"awards ceremonies"の翻訳 日本語へ:

  辞書 英語-日本

Awards ceremonies - translation :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Ceremonies were held to celebrate victories.
My paternal grandmother enjoys tea ceremonies.
It won lots of awards.
私たちには ブービー賞のように感じられました
It won lots of awards.
The Oscar ceremonies are Hollywood's biggest extravaganza.
アカデミー授賞は ハリウッド最大の華やかな催しだ
And for the opening and closing ceremonies,
And for the opening and closing ceremonies,
We've won a bunch of awards.
I feel like I'm in the Academy Awards.
ジム みんなも実行しながら 慣れるしかない状態なんですよ
What good are these damn awards and citations?
And good luck at the Bad Timing Awards.
まったく いいタイミングで出てくるぜ
George C. Scott, 1970, won seven Academy Awards,
1970年に作品賞を含む アカデミー賞7部門を
So the awards were like, Oh, this is fantastic.
Last week, Bill Clinton at the TED Awards said,
今の状況は 前代未聞であり 不等で 不公平で 不安定です と言いました
Ellen,I don't give out awards for beating deadlines.
締め切り前に上げても 何も出ないわよ
Initially, coffee was prepared and consumed as part of religious ceremonies.
宗教的な儀式でした 夜に祈り続ける僧侶にとっては 重宝な眠気覚ましです
The film scooped up three awards at the Cannes film festival.
Apart from the awards it's won, it's portable and it's certified.
持ち運びが楽で 英国医薬品庁や欧州安全基準を満たしているんです 知らない方は米国食品医薬品局から
Cooking with Dog is nominated for YouTube Video Awards Japan 2011!
I was winning awards. I was living in my own apartment.
Welcome home, sir. Congratulations on the opening ceremonies. They were such a success.
お帰りなさい 開会式と上院公聴会の
Look at her. Normally, she turns this shit down. She hates awards.
いつもは賞が嫌いで 辞退するのに
Oh, plus I need a date for the GLADD Awards on the 26th.
And for us, it's been great because it's won loads of design awards.
このデザインで多くの賞を獲得し 私たちもすばらしい経験ができました 私たちはデザイン会社のニーズと 会社のなかの個人のニーズを
Don't expect to get any more awards, job offers or positions in scholarly societies.
もらう望みはないね 出版社へ 著者経歴に君の住所を書かないように
I didn't care about that. I didn't care about awards or money or anything.
Most recently released was Ravenwood Fair and that was nominated for a couple of awards.
僕の Cloudforest Expedition も ブレンダと一緒に作ったものなんです
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the fashion industry's biggest night, the VH 1 Fashion Awards.
みなさん ようこそ 今晩はファッション業界最大のショー
I've been in country almost three months and all I do is take handshake shots at award ceremonies.
3ヶ月 お偉いさんの 握手ばかり撮ってる
If it's not me, and you picked another student with good grades and lots of awards...
内申書も良くて受賞経歴も多い とにかく そんな立派な 学生を選んだけど
(Intense music) And the winner of the Ideas Worth Doing 2011 Awards is John Apesons with MetFARM.
ララ 行う価値のあるアイデア アワード 2011年の受賞者は
You can see some Russian pages here which got many awards on biggest infographic competition in Spain.
スペイン最大の情報グラフィックス大会で多数受賞しましたが 1番の賞はニュースデザイン協会からのものです
So we got a chance to take the Tele Actor to the Webby Awards in San Francisco.
サンフランシスコで開かれた ウェビー アワードに参加させる機会を得ました その年のホストはサム ドナルドソンでした
I mean, these covers appeared all over the world, and they started winning awards, and people knew them.
表彰されるようになり みんな知ってしまいました それで私は突然 ポスト モダニストとなり
Today we're talking with Dr. Gaius Baltar, winner of three Magnate Awards over the course of his career.
本日はガイアス バルター博士に お話しを伺います キャリアの過程で3度のマグナート賞を受賞 Magnate Prize コンピューター情報技術の 分野で成果を上げた科学者に贈られる
So every year, thousands of visitors come to Tana Toraja to see, as it were, this culture of death, and for many people these grandiose ceremonies and the length of the ceremonies are somehow incommensurable with the way that we face our own mortality in the West.
この 言わば 死の文化 を 見学しに タナ トラジャを訪れます 多くの人が この壮大な儀式そのものや
These are just the awards that we won in 2007 fall from robotics competitions and those kinds of things.
ロボティクス関係のコンペで受賞したものです 秘密は5つあります
And I don't know if I'm going to be boasting now, but in 2006 alone, we won three international awards.
2006年だけで 3つの国際的な賞を頂きました 国際新聞編集者協会からは
In truth, for an exceptional admission you need to have many letters of recommendation and awards or trophies as well.
とにかく一つだけ 良く出来れば
But they got it passed, and actually won the Clio awards, so it's funny how you can do these things.
面白いことです どうぞ忘れないでください 私のジョークですが
At the ceremonies, when these young men and women graduate, they take that pen with great pride, and put it in their pocket.
彼らは大きな誇りをもってペンを受け取り ポケットに挿すのです この事業では
It used to be the time where only kings wore a leopard skin, but now throughout rituals and ceremonies, traditional healers and ministers.
ヒョウ皮を身に着けていましたが 今では儀式などで 伝統的なヒーラーや聖職者が身につけます
And it's my first time going to the Video Music Awards and all the other girls are gonna be skinny, and I'm gonna look like a whale!
初めて参加するパーティなのに 他の女の子達は痩せてて 私はまるで クジラだわ


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