"banned"の翻訳 日本語へ:

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Banned - translation :
キーワード : 禁止 使用 薬物 出入り

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Carbon is banned.
These topics are banned.
Other states have banned them.
Atomic weapons will be banned.
とうとう 平和になる
Smoking is banned in the train.
Hunting is banned in national parks.
In others, headscarves are being banned.
Books banned in China, of course.
大地 には中国の農民の 生活が描かれています
Earth banned genetic engineering decades ago.
The Taliban had banned this sport.
Broward County, Florida, banned running at recess.
You read books banned by the law.
After the accident, he was banned from driving.
It's my view that guns should be banned.
In certain countries, mosque minarets are being banned.
モスクの尖塔や 頭に被るスカーフ
But not just that, they actually banned money.
Smoking is now banned on all domestic plane flights.
喫煙は今では 全ての国内線のフライトで禁止されている
Why you were banned from the marathon before the 1980s?
(観衆の一人 子宮が裂けるから) 子宮が裂けるから
At the mausoleum, tourists are banned from taking cameras in.
キム イルソンは19年前に死去したが
Now, boring people would have just simply banned the veil.
You weren't, the book was banned. I read it anyway.
This book is banned, and she spent five years in prison.
彼女は独房で5年を過ごしました 私がこの本に執着し
We went to San Paulo where they have banned outdoor advertising.
That's banned now, and that'll be good news for the sharks.
I d.She said she hadn't seen him since you banned him.
ええ 彼と会うのを禁じられてから 会っていないと
The emperor Theodosius made Christianity the state religion and banned other religions.
テオドシウス帝はキリスト教を国教化し 異教の信仰を厳禁した
In others, kosher and halal meat are being banned, as we speak.
禁じられつつある国があります 逆に 国家を超えて活動する
Which is ever since, in the U.K., they banned smoking in public places,
We were banned from Egypt, and our correspondents, some of them were arrested.
特派員の何人かは 逮捕されました しかし多くのカメラマンや記者は
Honey from now on you're banned from all things sweet and oily things.
それじゃ 何を食べれば
You had banned TV. Kapil's records are better than Imran in every field.
カピルの記録が全てイムラン より優れている
And for Afghanistan, where the Taliban banned music for many years, it is reintroducing their traditional music.
タリバンが長年音楽を禁じていましたが 番組を通じて伝統音楽が注目を集めています 人々はポップ ソングではなく
After several explosions, including one that killed Alfred's brother, authorities banned nitroglycerin tests within Stockholm city limits.
数回の爆発事故を経験し 当局はストックホルム市内での ニトログリセリンの実験を 禁止しました
So I had a little issue last week with a banned substance in the student parking lot.
先週 ちょっとトラブっちゃってさ 生徒用駐車場で 禁止薬物ばれちゃって.
Journalists are all but banned from North Korea, so I'm going in undercover, part of a tour group.
旅行者の団体に紛れて潜入する ガイド1号 人間の顔をした北朝鮮政府
This temporarily effectively banned autonomous weapons in the U.S. military, but that directive needs to be made permanent.
しかし その命令を 恒久化する必要があります これが行われれば 世界が同じように行動する基準となりえます
So New York City did the only reasonable thing that you could do, which is they banned all three, immediately.
すぐさま その3つを禁止したのです 対象となるのは生徒だけでなく 教師もです
Like the mayor of São Paulo who's banned advertising billboards, or the many cities like San Francisco putting in infrastructures for electric cars.
サンフランシスコをはじめとして多くの街で 電気自動車のためのインフラを整えたり ビジネスの世界でも同様のことが少しずつ動き出している
We in Al Jazeera were banned from Tunisia for years, and the government did not allow any Al Jazeera reporter to be there.
チュニジアに入ることを禁じられ 政府はアルジャジーラの記者の 入国を認めませんでした
In the 16 states in 2005 that instituted constitutional amendments saying that gay marriage is wrong and banned, the statistics are kinda shocking.
州法の改正をした16の州では 統計はある意味で衝撃的です それらの州におけるゲイや レズビアンの人口に対して
Book 4, the lesser known, banned by the church in Rome, detailed Charlemagne's vision of St James instructing him to destroy the Moors.
第4巻は教会に禁じられたため 知名度が低いが シャルルマーニュの戦いが 詳細に描かれてる
Several parents, students, and others who believe gays should be banned from the Sullivan High School prom met Sunday at Sullivan first Christian church.
記者  サリバン高校の卒業パーティから同性愛者を締め出すべきと考える保護者 学生などが 日曜日にサリバン第一キリスト教会でミーティングを行いました 賛成しません それは失礼なことです
In 2003, after my studies, it was banned in the European Union, but in that same year, the United States EPA re registered the compound.
同年 アメリカの環境保護庁は この化学物質を再登録したのです 研究結果にはちょっと驚きました
That fellow looks left and right, and spreads a newspaper, rolls it into the newspaper, gives it to me like a banned item, something like that.
新聞紙を広げ それを新聞紙の中へグルグルと包んで まるで禁制の物みたいにして渡されたんです なぜだか分かりません コンドームを買った訳でもないんですよ
Also, CFC gas, which is the refrigerant gas, banned, is up to 20,000 times more potent global warmer than carbon dioxide, which accounts for 50 of global warming.
フロンガスは二酸化炭素よりも2万倍までも地球温暖化の原因となっていて50 の温暖化の原因とされています ジョージWブッシュ エタノール生産に投資し続けなくてはなりません


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