"epiphany"の翻訳 日本語へ:

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Epiphany - translation :
キーワード : 啓示 ひらめ 貴方 受け

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

An epiphany, Epiphany, Epiphany.
啓示 啓示 啓示
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Whats an epiphany?
This was an epiphany.
現在 私たちが目にしている 褐色のコーティングは
Until you have an epiphany!
Epiphany hit me. Something hit me.
I'm having a major epiphany here.
But the fifth commandment gave me an epiphany
And when she said this, I had an epiphany.
人生のあらゆる体験を 五感で計測することを
The epiphany is that death is a part of life.
死が人生の一部であることです 彼女は私の人生を救い
And I went through a period after the epiphany of,
何故もっと早くに 気がつかなかったのだろう
We celebrated as an Epiphany. Alone in the whole world.
愛しあう二人のために 世界は合った
But something else happened, which was an epiphany in my life.
And I would never want to deprive you of that epiphany.
So I decided I had this crazy epiphany at two in the morning.
友人を呼び出して 身体に絵の具を塗り
Unless you an epiphany. You will spend the reminder of your days alone.
もし 神の啓示受けないなら 貴方はこれからの 日々を孤独のうちに過ごすでしょう
That childhood epiphany came to John two years after he had quit law school.
And you know, an epiphany is usually something you find that you dropped someplace.
落としたものを見つけるようなものです ひらめきかどうかを判断するには
You've just got to go around the block to see it as an epiphany.
経験を積むしかありません これは輪の絵です
So what very profound epiphany, you might ask, was responsible for my feminist click moment?
わたしが何でフェミニズムに目覚めたのかを きっかけは 網タイツ です
Now, I thought it was because I have this totally compelling helmet crusade, this epiphany of Tom's.
キャンペーンが功を奏したと思ったのですが これはトムはひらめきだったのです この20ドルのヘルメットは実は10万ドルの
So, I left his office and I was walking through the hospital, and that's when I had my epiphany.
ひらめいたのです この7人兄弟の末っ子が最前列に来るときが来たのです
See, all you really need is one person to show you the epiphany of your own power, and you're off.
可能性の見抜き方が伝授されれば 自分の道が開けます 極めて重要な時に 誰かに力を解き放つ鍵を渡し
Anyway, I did have a really big epiphany around the situation, so Chris invited me to tell you about it.
それでクリスに話をする様に誘われたの でも最初に 私に関する2つの事を知ってもらいたいのです
But also I intend to stick with the volunteering, which actually leads me to the biggest epiphany of them all.
ボランティアも続けていくつもりです カナダ人がシステムをいかさまする時には
I had a moment of what is it called? the epiphany where I realized that the computer's just so fast.
コンピューターがいかに高速であるかという事に気づかされました 人力でも彼女と周囲の人々がとても頑張って動けば
And what had happened was the circle had closed, it had become a circle and that epiphany I talked about presented itself.
輪は閉じ それは輪となったのです そして 私が話したあのひらめきが
In fact, in the eighteen months since my mother died, the only epiphany I had was realizing that, life just goes on.
母が死んでから 8ヶ月経ってわかったことは 人生は ただ続くだけだと いうことだった
I had a bit of an epiphany being lost in Pennsylvania, and I took a left turn trying to get back to the highway.
高速道路に戻ろうとして左に曲がったとき フラックビルという町に行き着きました
I'm definitely not standing up here as a parenting expert, but I did have a gigantic parenting epiphany recently sitting at my kitchen table.
でも最近 食卓についている時に 子育てについて重大な発見をしました いつもと変わらぬ平日の夜でした
There are passages where you can read it, and you think you're reading from a Darwin textbook, from the period before he has this epiphany.
ダーウィンの言う ひらめいた 瞬間より前の記述から 彼の著書の内容をすでに読み取れるのです つまり ダーウィンは
I'm doing a new book at the moment called Epiphany, which is based on a series of interviews with people about how they discovered their talent.
いかに人間は自分の才能とめぐり会うか その過程について色々な人に インタビューしました
And again, I started to think that there was another epiphany that the whole world I was living in was a result of having plentiful oil.
ひらめいたのですが... 私の住んでいる世界の全ては 豊富な石油があるから成り立っているのだと
But about a year ago, when I was on my way to the hairdresser's and I must admit I don't go there often but I had this little epiphany.
ちょっとひらめいたことがありました 正直 たまにしか髪を切らないのに なんと お年寄りまで 水路にゴミを捨てていたのを見たんです
And what Gruber found was that Darwin had the full theory of natural selection for months and months and months before he had his alleged epiphany, reading Malthus in October of 1838.
マルサスの著書を読んでいた1838年10月の ひらめいた 瞬間よりも ずっと何か月も前から
Just as I had this epiphany, my biology teacher storms up to me, because she spots me reading this article, snatches it out of my hand, because I was supposed to be writing an essay, then, storms off and gives me a lecture.
論文を読んでいるのを見たからで 論文を僕からひったっくって エッセイを書く時間だったから そして戻って行って お話をくれてます
My own epiphany as a conservationist came in 1953, while a Harvard graduate student, searching for rare ants found in the mountain forests of Cuba, ants that shine in the sunlight metallic green or metallic blue, according to species, and one species, I discovered, metallic gold.
キューバの森林地帯に生息する 貴重なアリを探しあてた時です そのアリは太陽の光を受けて輝くのです 種によってメタリック グリーンやメタリック ブルー 中にはメタリック ゴールドの種も発見しました
I was doing my taxes the other day, and I got to the point where I was listing all of the donations I gave, and I had an epiphany, it was I came to my check to the Seva Foundation and I noticed that I thought, boy, my friend Larry Brilliant would really be happy that I gave money to Seva.
自分がした寄付をリストにしていた時に ひらめきがありました セヴァ基金の小切手を見たら 私がセヴァ基金に寄付をしたことで


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