"permafrost degradation"の翻訳 日本語へ:

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Degradation - translation : Permafrost - translation : Permafrost degradation - translation :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Because from a planning perspective, economic degradation begets environmental degradation, which begets social degradation.
環境の悪化を引き起こし 社会の悪化を引き起こすからです 1960年代に始まった資本の引き上げは
These trees put their roots down in the permafrost, and the permafrost is thawing.
これらの木の根は永久凍土層に おろしています 永久凍土層は融けているのです
This building was built on the permafrost and has collapsed as the permafrost thaws.
このビルは永久凍土層の上に建てられました 永久凍土層が融けるにつれて 崩壊しました
Degradation... most holy.
Molecular degradation is increasing.
No sign of environmental degradation.
環境劣化の 兆候は無し
And that water comes from melting the permafrost.
Methane is also beginning to escape from the permafrost.
永久凍土から放出され始めています どの程度の海面上昇が
Current rate of crystallization, cellular degradation
One fifth of the earth's surface is covered by permafrost.
And this is actually from his Degradation series.
But what it also did was cause molecular degradation.
だがそれが 分子分解を招いたのだ
And what they found, by doing research into the permafrost, was this bacteria.
このバクテリアです ユニークなのは
Will humanity be able to prevent the degradation of ecosystems?
Will humanity be able to prevent the degradation of ecosystems?
Will humanity be able to prevent the degradation of ecosystems?
Will humanity be able to prevent the degradation of ecosystems?
Widespread water pollution and massive degradation of lakes and rivers.
湖や河川の後退 驚くべきことに 気候変動の一番の原因は農業である
Yes, promote the total degradation of mankind... by encouraging alienhuman...
はい 異星人との関係を推薦することで
The Arctic region consists of a vast, ice covered ocean surrounded by treeless permafrost.
樹木のない永久凍土層に囲まれています この地域は
But ultimately, those realities are shadowed by suffering, abuse, degradation, marginalization.
これらを活用して掴んだ現実も 人々が苦しんだり虐待され地位を下げられたり 社会的に疎外される事で
Prolonged exposure will lead to faintness, rapid degradation of your mental faculties.
その匂いを長く吸い込んだら 気が軽くなり脳の機能の悪化を示す
It's also probably one the most vulnerable of the oldest living things, because if the permafrost melts, it won't survive.
最も脆弱な生き物でもあります 永久凍土が解けると 生きていけません
You know, between the environmental degradation and the crashing of the world markets you're talking about.
いわゆる世界市場の崩壊とかね もちろん こういうのは全部 全部
They've survived for millennia in desert, in the permafrost, at the tops of mountains and at the bottom of the ocean.
砂漠や永久凍土 山頂や海の底で 何千年も生き続けてきました 知られざる自然の脅威や人間の侵略を
I was able to determine the exact viscosity and degradation, and I found microscopic metal shavings in it.
粘着性と劣化度も調べたし 微量の金属片も見つけた 発見につながる
Timed degradation packaging that is good until you don't want it to be good anymore, and dissolves on cue.
もはや必要でなくなった時に分解し始めます これは近海にいるムール貝です
As you may know, 11 days ago, atmospheric tracking determined that Russian communications satellite Ikon has initiated orbital degradation.
御存知の通り 11日前に行われた 大気圏調査の結果 ロシアの通信衛星 アイコン が 軌道を外れ降下中であることが判明
There's an emotional core... to each of our memories, and when you eradicate that core it starts its degradation process.
個々の記憶には 感情に基づく核が存在し それを根絶すれば 劣化が始まります
Livestock is also one of the biggest culprits in land degradation, air and water pollution, water shortages and loss of biodiversity.
水不足と生物多様性損失の元凶になっている まだあるんですよ
And I think that's what we're doing when we're asking people to engage with our agenda around environmental degradation and climate change.
人々に環境悪化や気候変動といった 課題に関わるよう求めると 固まって逃げ出してしまいます
Allah let them taste degradation in this present life, but the punishment of the Everlasting Life shall be greater if they but knew.
アッラーは現世の生活においても かれらに屈辱を味わわせられる だが来世における懲罰は更に大きい ああ かれらがそれを知っていたならば
As Earth warms, now because of extra CO2 we put in the atmosphere, ice will melt, and CO2 and methane will be released by warming ocean and melting permafrost.
私たちが大気に放出する過剰部分の二酸化炭素が原因となって 永久凍土や海を温めることで 氷が解けて
so God let them taste degradation in this present life and the chastisement of the world to come is assuredly greater, did they but know.
アッラーは現世の生活においても かれらに屈辱を味わわせられる だが来世における懲罰は更に大きい ああ かれらがそれを知っていたならば
Are they not aware that whosoever opposes Allah and His Messenger shall live for ever in the Fire of Gehenna? That surely is the greatest degradation.
かれらは知らないのか アッラーとその使徒に反抗する者には 実に火獄が用意されており その中に永遠に住むことを それは大きな屈辱である
Now everyone would expect that when the degradation of the oil happens, when the constituents are liberated, they disappear, they go away because they were absorbed.
オイルが分解され 成分が遊離すると 消えると予想するでしょう
Do they not know that whosoever opposes God and His Messenger for him awaits the fire of Gehenna, therein to dwell forever? That is the mighty degradation.
かれらは知らないのか アッラーとその使徒に反抗する者には 実に火獄が用意されており その中に永遠に住むことを それは大きな屈辱である
So Allah made them taste degradation in the life of this world, and certainly the chastisement of the Hereafter will be much more grievous. Would that they knew!
アッラーは現世の生活においても かれらに屈辱を味わわせられる だが来世における懲罰は更に大きい ああ かれらがそれを知っていたならば
We have the means already in our hands, through a structure, through a mechanism, called REDD Plus a scheme for the reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
REDD Plusと呼ばれる森林破壊による 排出量の減少対策の しくみによるものです
And unless we address this invisibility, we are going to get the results that we are seeing, which is a gradual degradation and loss of this valuable natural asset.
経済を 可視化しない限り 今も続く 貴重な大自然の資産の
The critics point to the 500 billion dollars spent in Africa since 1970 and say, and what do we have but environmental degradation and incredible levels of poverty, rampant corruption?
5000億ドルを指して こう尋ねます その援助から得たものが環境劣化や とてつもない貧困や汚職の蔓延では
turning his side to lead astray from God's way for him is degradation in this world and on the Resurrection Day We shall let him taste the chastisement of the burning
倣限な態度をとって 人びとをアッラーの道から迷わせようとする者がある かれらは現世において 屈辱をなめ またわれは審判の日に炎の懲罰を味わせる
It may be that the social singularity ahead is the one that we fear the most a convergence of catastrophes, of environmental degradation, of weapons of mass destruction, of pandemics, of poverty.
私たちが最も恐れているものかもしれません 環境破壊が壊滅的に 広がるかもしれません
We were happy to see that, although our three strains had been previously identified bacteria, two of them were not previously associated with phthalate degradation, so this was actually a novel discovery.
3つの菌株は すでに発見されていたものの うち2つは これまでフタル酸エステル類分解とは 関係づけられていなかったので 新しい発見をしたことになりました
A lot of the experience of people here who've been in the oceans for a long time has just been seeing this degradation, the places they saw that were beautiful getting worse, depressing.
長い間海と関わっており かつて美しかった海が劣化する姿を目にして 悪化し続ける姿を見るのは気の重い経験でしょう


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