"taboo"の翻訳 日本語へ:

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Taboo - translation :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

The topic is taboo here.
Depending on others is taboo.
Stop the taboo around HlV.
HIVの人たちが 私の話を聞いて 勇気づけられれば幸いです
Oh, no, ouch... A taboo subject.
あらららららら 聞いちゃったねぇ
We have violated yet another taboo in our own lives, and this is a bonus taboo.
犯しました おまけのタブーです AV 私たちは一緒に働いてはいけない 特に3人の子持ちでは
I'll move on to taboo number two.
None were arrested. We broke the taboo.
The excessive use of salt should be taboo.
It's a taboo, you know, in West Africa.
Incest is a taboo found in almost all cultures.
It used to be taboo for women to smoke.
I thought, My goodness, what taboo have I broken?
And if we just taboo it completely we could lose civilization.
文明が失われるかもしれません しかし単純に なるほど 中国よ
Many people take their lives every day because of this taboo.
この点において 聖書は大変危険なテキストと言えます
40,000,000 B.C. The Drunken Monkey Hypothesis BREAKlNG THE TABOO DVDRip MP3 NandOlocal
紀元前 2700年 中国の大麻
Well, why is she a big taboo subject all of a sudden?
エレーンの話は タブーなんだ
We know how easy it is to kill somebody. That ultimate taboo.
そして私の家に行き 本や僕についてもっと聞きたいと
Today we are going to approach a taboo subject which is drowned in stigma
今日お話しするのは 自殺についてです
Let me give you an example of what I mean by harmless but taboo sexual practice.
まず シナリオを与えます
So taboo number three you can't talk about your miscarriage but today I'll talk about mine.
The first of these is tapu , with the same origin as the better known Tahitian term taboo
So taboo number four you can't say that your average happiness has declined since having a child.
子ができたら幸せの水準が下がった などと言ってはいけません 家族を持ち 子を授かるという奇跡に巡り会った途端
It's delicious, it's nutritious, and as I learned when I went to Kashgar, it symbolizes their taboo against food waste.
これは喀什に行って知ったのですが 羊の臓器の料理は 食料を無駄にしない精神の象徴だそうです また 道端のレストランでは
Envy, it's a real taboo to mention envy, but if there's one dominant emotion in modern society, that is envy.
現代社会を支配する感情があるとすれば それは妬みです そして それが平等精神に繋がるのです 説明しましょう
A quick bonus taboo for you, that we should not be working together, especially with three children and we are.
というタブーですが 実際 私たちは働いています RG 仕事の準備段階から すでに逆風に遭いました
Anyway, the question I think people should talk about and it's absolutely taboo is, how many people should there be?
この話題はタブーなのですが 人口はどのくらいであるべきかということです 1億人とか 5億人といったところでしょう
And the main thing is, is that we get trapped by taboo, we don't want to talk about those things.
問題を話したくないと思うようになるのです でももし問題について話す事すら出来なければ 解決は無理です
So the first, taboo number one you can't say you didn't fall in love with your baby in the very first minute.
誕生した瞬間に赤ん坊を愛さなかった とは 言ってはいけません 私は病院で待っていた時を鮮明に覚えています
But I think, actually, the alternative is to grasp the nettle of the word atheism itself, precisely because it is a taboo word, carrying frissons of hysterical phobia.
そのイラクサをしっかりつかむことではないかとも思うのです まさにそれが禁忌の言葉であり ヒステリックな恐怖の戦慄をもたらすがゆえに
Another reason although I think, perhaps, the most powerful reason why we find it hard to slow down is the cultural taboo that we've erected against slowing down.
文化的なタブーが関わっています 私たちの文化でスローダウンは よくないことと見なしてきました
Among those who've helped open my eyes to a third way are a devout Muslim in Afghanistan, a group of harmonizing lesbians in Croatia and a taboo breaker in Liberia.
人達の中には アフガニスタンの敬虔なイスラム教徒 クロアチアの歌うレズビアン達
In particular, when we asked them questions about sort of taboo but fairly harmless sexual practices, just being reminded that they ought to wash their hands made them think that they were more morally wrong.
性行為について尋ねると 手洗いの注意喚起をするだけで 彼らは道徳的により間違っていると考えるのです
I guess what the Slow Movement the purpose of the Slow Movement, or its main goal, really, is to tackle that taboo, and to say that yes, sometimes slow is not the answer, that there is such a thing as bad slow.
タブーに立ち向かうことです もちろん スローが常に正しいわけではなく
And at this point I need to acknowledge the remarkable taboo against speaking ill of religion, and I'm going to do so in the words of the late Douglas Adams, a dear friend who, if he never came to TED, certainly should have been invited.
重大なタブーであることを認める必要があります それを敢えて行います まず 親友のダグラス アダムスの晩年の言葉を借ります
With the taboo on discussing the succession broken, talk about the physical and mental fitness of the likely successor became commonplace, and members of the ruling family who objected to the prospect of being ruled by a severely incapacitated crown prince came to enjoy broad support.
継承問題に関する議論のタブーが破られ 継承候補者の肉体的 精神的適性について語ることは珍しくなくなり ひどく不適格な皇太子による支配の将来性に異議を唱えた首長家のメンバーたちが 広く支持を受けるようになった
Allies like the imam, allies like the father who now writes songs for a lesbian group in Croatia, allies like the policeman who honored a taboo and backed away, allies like my father, who couldn't help his sister but has helped three daughters pursue their dreams.
レズビアンの合唱団のために歌を作曲する 父親のような味方が そして タブーを尊重し撤退した警察官のような味方が
Speaking of imperatives, geoengineering is taboo now, especially in government circles, though I think there was a DARPA meeting on it a couple of weeks ago, but it will be on your plate not this year but pretty soon, because some harsh realizations are coming along.
特に政府関係機関でです DARPAは数週間前にこれについて協議していましたが これは避けられない事になるでしょう
And they say, These cattle and tillage are a taboo none may eat them except whom we please, so they maintain, and there are cattle whose backs are forbidden and cattle over which they do not mention Allah s Name, fabricating a lie against Him. Soon He will requite them for what they used to fabricate.
またかれらは これこれの家畜と穀物は禁じられる わたしたちが許す者の外に 誰も食べることは出来ない などとかれらの勝手な決断により 背中が禁忌になっている家蓄 また 屠殺にさいし それに アッラーの御名を唱えない家畜などと 捏造して 言う これらは凡て かれに対する捏造である かれはこの捏造に照らし やがて報われるであろう
And they say according to their fancy such cattle and tilth are taboo none shall eat thereof save whom we allow, and there are cattle whose backs are forbidden, and cattle over which they pronounce not the name of Allah a fabrication against Him Anon He shall requite them for that which they were wont to fabricate.
またかれらは これこれの家畜と穀物は禁じられる わたしたちが許す者の外に 誰も食べることは出来ない などとかれらの勝手な決断により 背中が禁忌になっている家蓄 また 屠殺にさいし それに アッラーの御名を唱えない家畜などと 捏造して 言う これらは凡て かれに対する捏造である かれはこの捏造に照らし やがて報われるであろう
And they say that such and such cattle and crops are taboo, and none should eat of them except those whom so they say We wish further, there are cattle forbidden to yoke or burden, and cattle on which, (at slaughter), the name of Allah is not pronounced inventions against Allah's name soon will He requite them for their inventions.
またかれらは これこれの家畜と穀物は禁じられる わたしたちが許す者の外に 誰も食べることは出来ない などとかれらの勝手な決断により 背中が禁忌になっている家蓄 また 屠殺にさいし それに アッラーの御名を唱えない家畜などと 捏造して 言う これらは凡て かれに対する捏造である かれはこの捏造に照らし やがて報われるであろう


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