"younger than"の翻訳 日本語へ:
例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)
Younger than you. | 冗談か? |
Younger than you! | お前じゃダメだ |
He's younger than me. | 彼は私より年少だ |
She's younger than him. | 彼女は彼より若い |
She's younger than him. | 彼女は彼より年下だ |
She's younger than you. | とにかく ここにいる間はよくしてやれよ |
Are you younger than him? | 君は彼より若いのかい |
Were you younger than Ellen? | あなたはエレンより若かったですか |
He's much younger than Tom. | 彼はトムよりずっと若い |
I'm younger than he is. | 私は彼より若いです |
I'm much younger than you. | 私は君よりもずっと若い |
Edward is younger than Robert. | エドードは ロバートより年下だ |
I'm much younger than Tom. | 私はトムよりずっと若いです |
You're looking younger than ever. | 前より若返ったようだね |
She's five years younger than him. | 彼女は彼より5才年下だ |
She's five years younger than me. | 彼女は私より5歳年下です |
He's two years younger than me. | 彼は私より2つ年下だ |
I'm three years younger than you. | 私はあなたより3歳若い |
Tom is much younger than Mary. | トムさんはメアリーさんよりずっと年下です |
I am no younger than you are. | ぼくは君と同じく若くない |
Sam is two years younger than Tom. | サムはトムより二歳年下です |
Sam is two years younger than Tom. | サムはトムより二つ下だ |
She is two years younger than me. | 彼女は僕より2歳年下だ |
She is two years younger than I. | 彼女は僕より2歳年下だ |
She's five years younger than he is. | 彼女は彼より5才年下だ |
She's five years younger than I am. | 彼女は私より5歳年下です |
My younger brother is taller than I. | 弟は私より背が高い |
My younger brother is taller than me. | 弟は私より背が高い |
I'm three years younger than he is. | 私は彼より3歳年下です |
I am two years younger than he. | 私は彼より2歳若い |
I'm two years younger than he is. | 私は彼より2歳若い |
Cookie is ten years younger than Kate. | クッキーはケイトより10歳若い |
She is five years younger than me. | 彼女は私より5歳年下だ |
Tom is three years younger than Mary. | トムはメアリーより三歳年下です |
Tom is a lot younger than Mary. | トムさんはメアリーさんよりずっと年下です |
Tom is much younger than Mary thinks. | メアリーが考えているより トムはずっと若い |
Tom is younger than all his friends. | トムは友達のなかで最も若いです |
50 fewer texts than his younger sister. | そして最後に 彼は 彼の母よりも 125 より多くテキストを 送りました |
Adam was 3 years younger than me. | アダムは3歳年下でした |
When I was young, younger than before | When I was young, younger than before |
He's a little younger than your boy. | カールはあんたの息子より すこし年下かな |
Look, Gru, the point is, there are a lot of new villains out there, younger than you, hungrier than you, younger than you. | 問題は新たな泥棒たちだ ...お前よりも若く 貧欲だ 若手だ |
The actress looks younger than she really is. | その女優は実際よりも若く見える |
Cookie is younger than Kate by ten years. | クッキーはケイトより10歳若い |
He is younger than me by three years. | 彼は私より三つ年下です |
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