Translation of "deemed unlawful" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Deemed unlawful - translation : Unlawful - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

It was deemed impossible.
Unlawful entry, resisting arrest.
違法進入 逮捕の抵抗
Two are deemed heroes. And my brother?
2人は英雄になった 私の兄弟は?
Corrosive element is deemed poisonous if inhaled.
For wrongful arrest and unlawful imprisonment...
誤認逮捕と 違法拘束で 訴える
Arrest that girl for unlawful seduction!
He deemed it wise to accept the offer.
deemed that I was eligible for the appointment.
ありがとう 質問の答えを
It was deemed to be an unpredictable event.
The boy deemed that he cheated in the examination.
He was deemed unstable after he lost Napoleon II.
2個目のダイヤが奪われて 情緒不安定だった
All food was lawful for the children of Israel except for what Israel had deemed unlawful for himself before the Torah was revealed. (Muhammad), ask them to bring the Torah and read it, if they are true in their claim (that all food was not unlawful for the children of Israel).
律法が下される以前は イスラエルの子孫が自ら禁じていたものの外 一切の食物はイスラエルの子孫に合法であった かれらに 言ってやるがいい もしあなたがたが真実なら 律法をもってきてそれを読誦しなさい
He verily deemed that he would never return (unto Allah).
かれは 本当に 主の許に 帰ることなどないであろうと思っていた
Force K3b to continue some operations otherwise deemed as unsafe
通常は安全でないと考えられるいくつかの操作を K3b に強制的に続行させる
By doing what I deemed necessary to protect innocent lives.
I deemed it necessary to open fire and issued the order.
Having said 'domestic wine', anything bottled domestically is deemed to be domestic wine.
しかし 国産ワインといっても 国内で瓶詰めされたものは全て国産ワインとなります
He was charged with manslaughter, but was deemed mentally unfit to stand trial.
So of course, what you don't do properly yourself is never deemed done really.
本当に完成したとは言えません つまりこれは我々が木を登って
Say, What is your opinion (regarding) the sustenance that Allah has sent down for you? So you have, on your own, deemed lawful and unlawful in it! say, Has Allah given you permission for it, or do you fabricate a lie against Allah?
言ってやるがいい アッラーが 御恵みとしてあなたがたに下されたものを考えてみなさい 何故あなたがたはその 一部を 非合法とし また 一部を 合法としたのか 言ってやるがいい アッラーがあなたがたに許されたのか それともあなたがたがアッラーに就いて捏造したのか
I suppose it will be maintained as long as is deemed necessary by the Council.
評議会がもう必要無しと 判断するまでだろう
Richard Kimble, wanted by the United States authorities for unlawful flight to avoid execution.
処刑を逃れ逃亡中 ほんとにこれがバレットか? 彼だ
Mitchell, unlawful possession of prescription drugs puts you in line for actual prison time.
ミッチェル 違法な処方箋薬の所持は 実際の服役刑になるぞ
Unfortunately, some very important images are deemed too graphic or disturbing for us to see them.
あまりに鮮明で見るに堪えないものもあります 1枚写真をお見せします
Water, the basic component of all life... had been deemed a threat to Brawndo's profit margin.
本来 水は人間の生活に欠かせない ブラウンド社はそれを利益の侵害と考えた
This is a domicile, a residence protected by the Fourth Amendment from unlawful search and seizure.
こいつは住まいだ 住居になる 憲法第4修正条項で 不法捜索から守られてる
Those whose sins are forgiven are deemed to be sinless that they may find the way to heaven.
罪を赦された者 清い者として見做して下さって 天国への道を歩めるようにして下さるのです
Walter Bishop, who was sent to St. Claire's because he was deemed unfit to stand trial for manslaughter,
ウォルター ビショップ 聖クレアに移送 人殺しだが精神異常者だったからだ
Deemed ye then that We had created you for naught, and that ye would not be returned unto Us?
あなたがたは われが戯れにあなたがたを創ったとでも考えていたのか またあなたがたは われに帰されないと考えていたのか
But as for he who feared the position of his Lord and prevented the soul from unlawful inclination,
だが主の御前に立つことを恐れた者 また低劣な欲望に対し 自分の 魂を抑制した者は
To warn the living , and to prove the Word against disbelievers. (Only the believers are deemed alive in Allah s sight.)
生ける者に警告を与え また不信心な者に対してはは御言葉が下される
And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.
私通 の危険 に近付いてはならない それは醜行である 憎むべき道である
God makes unlawful interest devoid of all blessings and causes charity to increase. God does not love sinful unbelievers.
アッラーは 利息 への恩恵 を消滅し 施し サダカ には 恩恵を 増加して下される アッラーは忘恩な罪深い者を愛されない
And on the day when He will call them and say Where are those whom you deemed to be My associates?
その日 主は かれらに呼びかけて 仰せられる あなたがたが言い張っていた わが仲間たち の神々 は何処にいるのか
And on the day when He shall call them and say Where are those whom you deemed to be My associates?
その日 かれはかれらに呼び掛けて仰せられよう あなたがたが言い張っていた かれの同輩 の神々 は何処にいるのか
You will see many of them hastening towards sin and transgression and devouring unlawful earnings. Indeed what they do is evil.
かれらの多くが 互いに競って罪悪と反逆にはしり 禁じられたものを 貪るのを見るであろう かれらの行うことの何と醜悪なことよ
And he and his hosts were haughty in the land without right, and deemed that they would never be brought back to Us.
かれとかれの軍勢は 地上において正義を無視し 高慢であった そして自分たちは決してわれに帰されないのだと 考えていた
Red lining was used by banks, wherein certain sections of the city, including ours, were deemed off limits to any sort of investment.
市の特定の地域は 投資禁止区域とみなされました 大勢の家主は このような条件で売るよりは
You see many of them race with one another in sin and transgression and devour the unlawful. Evil is what they do.
かれらの多くが 互いに競って罪悪と反逆にはしり 禁じられたものを 貪るのを見るであろう かれらの行うことの何と醜悪なことよ
Believers, have fear of God and give up whatever unlawful interest you still demand from others, if you are indeed true believers.
あなたがた信仰する者よ 真の 信者ならばアッラーを畏れ 利息の残額を帳消しにしなさい
And he was unjustly proud in the land, he and his hosts, and they deemed that they would not be brought back to Us.
かれとかれの軍勢は 地上において正義を無視し 高慢であった そして自分たちは決してわれに帰されないのだと 考えていた
If he had accepted payment, he wouldn't be able to say yes or no depending on what he deemed a just or unjust cause.
偽造をするのに正当かどうかに応じて やるかどうかを選ぶ事ができなくなります 30年もの間 父は日中は写真家で
Fight against those People of the Book who have no faith in God or the Day of Judgment, who do not consider unlawful what God and His Messenger have made unlawful, and who do not believe in the true religion, until they humbly pay tax with their own hands.
アッラーも 終末の日をも信じない者たちと戦え またアッラーと使徒から 禁じられたことを守らず 啓典を受けていながら真理の教えを認めない者たちには かれらが進んで税 ジズヤ を納め 屈服するまで戦え
Fight those from among the People of the Book who believe neither in God, nor in the Last Day, nor hold as unlawful what God and His Messenger have declared to be unlawful, nor follow the true religion, until they pay the tax willingly and agree to submit.
アッラーも 終末の日をも信じない者たちと戦え またアッラーと使徒から 禁じられたことを守らず 啓典を受けていながら真理の教えを認めない者たちには かれらが進んで税 ジズヤ を納め 屈服するまで戦え
You will see among them many who rush into sin and wickedness, and devour unlawful gain. How evil are the things they do!
かれらの多くが 互いに競って罪悪と反逆にはしり 禁じられたものを 貪るのを見るであろう かれらの行うことの何と醜悪なことよ


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