Translation of "exploding" to Japanese language:

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Exploding - translation :

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Exploding Page
Exploding star.
星が空に 現れたのは
Watch exploding images
Have fun exploding!
Exploding Page Page Effect
We were better off on exploding planet!
爆発するなら 来なければよかったよぅ!
You see very quickly this is just exploding.
5では 243 で
The harnessed power of an exploding planetary system.
これには 惑星自体の 活動が利用されている
Bullets flying everywhere. Grenades exploding down your pants.
いたる所で弾が飛び ズボンの下で手榴弾が爆発する
We just explode, and we keep exploding at an ever increasing rate.
どんどん維持されます ここで分かるように
Let's graph this, just to get an idea of how quickly we're exploding.
非常に大きくなります 軸を描画します
I'm very proud to report that my first trick was an exploding success.
私の最初の爆破が 成功して喜ばしい 見せろ
These days, of course, they ubiquity and scope of social network data is exploding.
このデータを分析し活用するための ソフトウェアが求められています
It's equivalent to exploding 400,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs per day 365 days per year.
広島型原子爆弾を爆発させたエネルギー量に相当します 1年では365日分になります これだけのエネルギー量を
A nation exploding in conversation in real time in response to what's on the broadcast.
リアルタイムに 会話が広がっています このすべての線を通じて
Using red matter I would create a black hole which would absorb the exploding star.
レッドメタルを用いて ブラックホールを創造し その照射で 超新星を吸収しようとした
Doesn't matter what you have either bruxism,you know,hypnic jerks,exploding head syndrome she's terrific.
歯ぎしりや睡眠障がい 何でも診てくれる
Bharti seeks to liberate this everyday cliche, as she calls it, by exploding it into something spectacular.
そして壮大なものへと爆発させることです また彼女は等身大の動物などのグラスファイバー彫刻を
So clearly, from the inside, we are doing our best to change our image, and it's exploding.
まさに爆発しているのです (笑)
Some icebergs are so unstable that they have more dramatic ends, heaving up, collapsing, and sometimes even exploding.
劇的な最後を 迎えるものがあり 折れ曲がり 崩れ落ち
They are one also has to make some, non trivial assumptions, about physics, of what's really an exploding star.
爆発している星の物理に対しておく必要がある物だ Hubble flowに行くまでには
Shanghai was a very intriguing city it's exploding on a level that I don't think any city has experienced.
他の都市が経験したことのないような スピードで成長しています 経済特区の深圳もそうです
A huge chemical depot caught fire, thousands of drums filled with petrochemicals were blazing away and exploding all around us.
燃えさかり爆発を繰り広げていました 熱気は凄まじく 防護服も
almost exploding with rage. Whenever a group is thrown in it, its keepers will ask them, Did not any warner come to you?
激しい怒りのために破裂するかのようである 一団がその中に投げ込まれる度に そこの看守はかれらに あなたがたに 警告者はやって来なかったのか と問う
But the number of arts participants, people who write poetry, who sing songs, who perform in church choirs, is exploding beyond our wildest imaginations.
しかし 詩を書く人 歌う人 教会のコーラスに加わる人 など パフォーミングアーツの参加者は
And you can see it's just a really spectacular extension of the limbs, exploding upward to actually just catch a dead piece of shrimp that I had offered it.
私の用意した 餌用のエビを 捕まえるために 上に向かって爆発してるようです シャコのもう一つのタイプは 粉砕型口脚目ですが
US troops surrounded a Sioux encampment at Wounded Knee Creek, and massacred Chief Big Foot and 300 prisoners of war, using a new rapid fire weapon that fired exploding shells, called a Hotchkiss gun.
ホッチキス機関銃と呼ばれる 新しい速射砲を使い ビッグ フット酋長と 300人の捕虜を 虐殺しました
So they don't when they look out and they see those lights that you showed in the sky they don't just see sort of pieces of matter burning or rocks or flames or gases exploding.
彼らは単に物質の破片が燃えているとか 岩石や炎やガスが爆発していると言うようには見ないのです 彼らは実際に風景や人々
So, if a star starts its life off with much more mass than the mass of the Sun, it's going to end its life by exploding and leaving behind these beautiful supernova remnants that we see here.
恒星は その生涯を終える時 爆発を起こし ご覧のような美しい超新星爆発の残骸を残します
But as a result now, he is prone to these schizophrenic episodes, the worst of which can manifest themselves as him exploding and then disappearing for days, wandering the streets of Skid Row, exposed to its horrors, with the torment of his own mind unleashed upon him.
発作を起こしがちでした 最悪の発作が起こると 彼は暴発し
And then I signed a book contract to write more gloomy thoughts about this and moved into a hotel room in New York with one room full of books on the Plague, and you know, nuclear bombs exploding in New York where I would be within the circle, and so on.
ニューヨークのホテルに引っ越した 部屋はペストに関する本で一杯だった あるいは ニューヨークでの核爆弾が爆発


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