Translation of "felony" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Felony - translation :
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Pick a felony. | どうぞ お好きな法律違反を |
Yeah, and felony quantity. | これは重罪だな |
It's not naughty. It's a felony. | 行儀が悪いんじゃなくて それは 犯罪です |
Even when it verges on a felony? | それは俺が用心する |
Escaped custody on a felony murder charge. | 殺人容疑で逮捕されて脱走した |
Two felony convictions. No warrant. He's on parole. | 2件で有罪 逮捕状は出てない 仮釈放中だ |
I'm here to arrest you for felony hitandrun. | ひき逃げしたから 逮捕しに来た |
Might have ended up on your felony escape. | そちらの重罪犯の逃走に 関するものでしょう |
Cindy. Hey, you guys, it's no felony. Come on. | 気にしないわ |
Obstruction of justice,conspiracy to cover up a felony. | 司法妨害に 重罪の隠ぺい行為 |
They're asking about a hand. From your felony escape. | 重罪犯の逃走についての手の 問い合わせだ |
And if I did, it would be a felony. | もし喋ったら重罪だし |
Now, instead of four felony counts, Swartz was facing thirteen. | 検事らの影響力は劇的に増加 |
You broke into my locker, Mr. G. It's a serious felony. | 俺のロッカーを開けたな 犯罪だぜ |
but would you be interested in a felony quantity of methamphetamine? | 大量のメスを 買えと言うのか |
It's a felony to inhabit a surrogate registered to another operator. | 他人に登録されたサロゲートを 使うのは重罪です |
It was on the condition that Swartz plead guilty to a felony. | さて この国家訴訟についての 開示する証拠も |
On July 14, 2011, federal prosecutors indict Swartz on four felony counts. | LulzSecの構成員2人がイギリスで また 複数のハッカーが逮捕されたのと |
I'm guessing you stole them, so, technically, they're evidence in a felony. | 盗品なんじゃないの? ってことは... 正確には, 重大犯罪の証拠品でしょ. |
Manufacture of a Schedule lI controlled substance is a second degree felony. | 規制薬物法に該当する 薬物の製造は 第二級の重罪となる |
You both lied under oath. You committed perjury, and that's a felony. | ウソの宣誓をしたわけだ 偽証は重罪だぞ |
Now, some would call that fraud in service of concealing a felony. | 重罪を隠すのは報告義務に 反していると思いますが |
If we don't report this, it's a felony, the same as stealing it. | 届け出なきゃ 重罪だ |
In a Rico case, if you can charge one of them with a felony... | 資金洗浄は立派な犯罪行為だ |
They take every penny, and you go in the can for felony tax evasion. | 脱税でムショに放り込まれる |
now get behind the pole. all right. this is such a felony, what you're doing. | みんなに警報を出した みんなはもう分かっている |
Felony destruction of property... amounting to tens of millions of dollars, theft, and now this. | ハンコック 逮捕へ 公共財産の破壊は 1000万ドルにも達してるわ そして今回はこれ |
I'm a sworn federal agent, Tony. I'm not gonna stand by and watch a felony go down. | 見逃せません 僕らは連邦捜査官ですよ |
Most people don't read them, but not abiding by their terms could mean you are committing a felony. | 重罪を犯したことになる ウェブサイトの利用規約はたいていこんな感じです |
Do you know Benny's an O.T.? Last year he was convicted of a felony assault and suspended twice. | べニーも同じよ 傷害で 二度停学になってる |
And that's felony murder 25 to life, parole at 50 if you're lucky, and Tony's not feeling very lucky. | 禁固刑25年 運がよければ50歳で仮出所 トニーは運にも見放されたようでした 刑務所の哲学の授業でトニーと顔を合せ 私は言いました |
He hadn't done anything that seemed felony worthy, and... there is this idea that there is no reason that he should be labelled a felon, and taken away his right to vote in many states for doing what he did. | この思いはつまり 彼が行ったことで 重罪人の汚名を着せられ 多くの州で投票する権利を剥奪すべきだという 理由は無いということだ 常軌を逸している |
Well, because I think they wanted to make an example out of Aaron, and they said they wanted the reason, why they wouldn't move on requiring a felony conviction and jail time, was that they wanted to use this case as a case for deterrence. | そして彼らが......すぐさま重罪判決と懲役の要求を 進めようとしなかった理由は この訴訟を 抑止力として使いたかったからだと彼らは語りました |
And while I've tried to make my images not too graphic, keep in mind that surgeons have a different relationship with blood than normal people do, because, after all, what a surgeon does to a patient, if it were done without consent, would be a felony. | 外科医は 普通の人々とは違った関係を 血液に対して 持っています なぜなら 結局のところ 外科医が患者に行う医療行為は |
A debate on immigration is beginning in the United States Senate, which will take up several proposals. These include a hateful bill which the House of Representatives has already approved that provides for the construction of a wall along the US Mexican border and makes unauthorized entry into the US a felony. | 米国の上院において 移民に関する討論が始まっている この討論においては いくつかの提案が取り上げられることになる その中には 既に下院が承認した 米国 メキシコ国境に沿う壁の建設費を提供し 米国への無許可の入国を重罪と位置づけることになる 疎ましい議案も含まれている |
He had these he had developed, like, serious political aspirations in the intervening time, between when, you know, that moment when he ended that entrepreneurial start up life, and begun this new life that had come to this political activism, and he just didn't believe that he could continue in his life with a felony. | 純粋な政治的野心を持っていました 起業家人生を終えた瞬間と この政治活動を始めることになった 新しい人生を開始した時点との間で |
They'd given me a large grant when I was an academician for the study of felony drunken drivers, and I thought I had a pretty good track record, and by the time I had spent half an hour talking about play, it was obvious that they were not did not feel that play was serious. | 研究成果も挙がったので関係は良かったのです しかし 遊びについて30分も話をすると 遊びを真面目なテーマと思わないのは明らかでした |
laughs these greedy bastards keep getting caught breaking their own rules ...28 counts of conspiracy, fraud and insider trading guilty on all counts... officers were convicted of taking more than one hundred million dollars in bonuses... ...former Naztech chief allegedly confessed that his investment business was a fraud. ...16 felony charges, 19 in all including conspiracy, wire fraud, extorsion... ...the former senate leader exploited his powerful position to enrich himself. | やつら強欲なクソ野郎どもは 自分たちで作ったルールを 自分たちで犯して捕まりまくってる ...共謀 詐欺そしてインサイダー取引の罪など合わせて28件 すべて有罪になりました... |
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