Translation of "hesitate to call" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Don't hesitate to call. | いつでも電話を |
Please don't hesitate to call. | どうぞ遠慮なく電話をください |
And I will not hesitate to call him. Not if I have to. | 必要ならば いつでも通報できる |
Well, listen, if there's anything I can do, don't hesitate to call. | 捜査には 喜んで協力しますよ きっと逮捕しますよ |
Don't hesitate to call me if you need anything. Day or night. | 何かあったら遠慮なく 呼びなさい 昼でも夜でも |
You hesitate. | 言いよどんだね |
Don't hesitate. | ためらうなよ |
Don't hesitate to ask questions. | 質問をするのをためらわないで下さい |
Don't hesitate to ask questions. | 質問するのをためらわないでください |
I won't hesitate. | 俺はためらわない! |
Never hesitate to tell the truth. | 真実を告げることをためらってはなりません |
Don't hesitate to ask for advice. | 遠慮しないで助言を求めなさい |
Don't hesitate to ask for information. | 知識を求めるのにためらってはいけない |
Don't hesitate to pull the trigger. | 躊躇なく引き金を引け |
Don't hesitate. Speak out. | ちゅうちょするな 思い切って言いなさい |
Why did Tom hesitate? | なんでトムはためらったの |
Alberich did not hesitate | アルベリヒは躊躇なく |
I won't hesitate, sir. | 躊躇はしません |
Do not hesitate anymore | これ以上 躊躇してはいけません |
Don't hesitate to ask me any questions. | ためらわずにどんな質問でもしてください |
If you're going to hesitate like this | 牧闃羋褁邵 玩穹芬爬 狗物芷羌 |
To doubt means to question, to waver, to hesitate. | 問う 迷う ためらう を意味します 問う 迷う ためらう を意味します 名詞としては 不確実さ や 混乱 を意味します |
Come to me there's no more time to hesitate | 糾芽罔秉穹虱蒢忺肢羌炊 樖狀芝疝炊肥肢 直初肢YOU |
Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions. | どんな質問でも遠慮なく私に聞いてください |
Don't hesitate to ask if you want anything. | 欲しいものがあれば遠慮なく言いなさい |
Don't hesitate to ask your teacher a question. | 質問があったら 遠慮しないで先生に聞きなさい |
Don't hesitate to ask if you want anything. | 何か欲しいものがあれば 遠慮なく言ってください |
Why do you hesitate now | 矽社樖肥糾玟表羋珥炊 |
But I will not hesitate. | でも俺は一瞬たりとも躊躇しない |
Don't hesitate to take the opportunity to propose to her. | 彼女にプロポーズする好機はためらわずに利用しろよ |
Reporters do not hesitate to intrude into people's privacy. | 記者達は個人の生活を侵害することにためらいを感じない |
Don't hesitate to tell me if you need anything. | 何か必要なものがあったら 遠慮なく言ってください |
Never hesitate to have time off whenever you want. | 遠慮せずに 好きな時にいつでも休暇を取りなさい |
Don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand. | 分からない時は遠慮なく御質問下さい |
Don't hesitate to ask questions if you don't understand. | わからないときは遠慮なくご質問ください |
I hesitate to pay so much for a suit. | スーツにそんなにお金をかけるにはためらいがある |
He didn't hesitate to tell his wife the truth. | 彼はためらうことなく妻に真実を語った |
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. | 何か聞きたいことがあったら遠慮せずに聞いてね |
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. | 何か聞きたいことあったら遠慮しないで聞いてね |
Don't hesitate to tell me if I mess up. | (マリ) うん (天塩) 至らないとこあったら 遠慮なく言ってね ね? |
Once you hesitate, you are lost. | ひとたび躊躇したら 君はおしまいだ |
Do not hesitate. Show no mercy. | 遠慮はするな 情けは無用だ |
Don't hesitate to ask a question if you don't understand. | わからないときは遠慮なくご質問ください |
The moment you hesitate, you'll get killed. | お前たちがためらうと すぐに殺されるだろう |
If you should have any trouble, don't hesitate to come to me. | もし何か困ったことがあったら 遠慮なく私のところに来てください |
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