Translation of "spying" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Spying - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I'm spying.
Sister Angelica's been spying.
あなたが聖餐を授ける時になったら 教えるわ
Why, it's not like spying.
See who's spying on us!
ごらん 誰か私たちを窺っているわ
Are you spying on me? !
You've been spying on us.
I'm not spying for anyone.
Now you're spying on me.
You been spying on me?
あなた達 私の後をつけてたの
Have you been spying on me?
You were spying on the delegates.
You were spying on a spy?
そりゃ キモかった
Well,if you're spying for jack
もし ジャックのスパイなら
Whoa. Spying on your own country?
Spying on gangsters was a dangerous venture.
You think he was spying on you?
エラはやり方を知らないはず スパイされていたと
He must have been spying on her real close.
じゃ どうやって そいつは知ったんだ
She is an old hand at spying on tax evaders.
Like we're not supposed to know who's spying on us...
After all those years we spent spying on the Reds?
今まで共産主義者を 見張ってきただろう
Does it concern you that the government is spying on you?
Spying on 30 million people isn't part of my job description.
3千万人にスパイなど 背負いきれん
By spying on them Or by sending vandals who'll break their toilets
適当な奴を雇い トイレに吐かせて 詰まらせに行かせたり
Don't look at them. They are spying on us, Let's look nonchalant.
あれを見るな 私たちを監視している 何食わぬふりをしよう
On this occasion, Gregor held back from spying out from under the sheet.
このように 彼は母親にこの時間を見てから控えとそのちょうど幸せだった
Maybe she's spying on an Abbey over here. Let's call it Northanger Abbey.
絵が下手なので納屋のように見えますが 想像してください
It means a less powerful state less spying, less paternalism and less bureaucracy.
ここでは国家は基本金の為の 単なる保証人に過ぎません
Someone was spying on our daughters? Yeah. Who had access to this room?
誰かが 娘たちを見張ってたのか
Right? We're using technology where the spying is built in. It's a core feature.
それが本質的な機能ですらある テクノロジーを使っているんです
Right? We're using technology where the spying is built in. It's a core feature.
You were spying on the delegates. You accidentally triggered an id protocol in the network.
偶然にもネットワークの IDプロトコルを起動させてしまった
He had said, in January, that he would not sign a bill that granted telecom immunity for possibly warrantless spying on American persons.
令状なしでスパイ行為を行い得るようにする法案には 署名しないと1月には言っていました 夏になって 選挙活動の最中に言ったのです
And if the answer is Oh, we're spying on so many people we can't possibly even count them then that's an awful lot of people.
It is shocking to think that the accountability is so lax that they don't even have sort of basic statistics about how big the spying program is.
説明責任がとても曖昧だというのは衝撃的です もし回答が ああ たくさんの人間をスパイしてるので カウントすることすらできない だとしたら
Not long after it came out, Augusten was waylaid in an airport and he was hiding out in the bookstore spying on who was buying his books.
どんな人が自分の本を買うか 物陰から見ていると ある女性が本を取り上げ 目を細めて見たあと
And the government said, Oh, the legal opinions we're using to legalize the spying program are also classified, so we can't even tell you which laws we're using to spy on you.
利用している法的意見についても機密事項だ だからあなたをスパイするのに 使っている法律も言うことはできない 知ってのとおり いつでも彼らは決まってそう言う ああ これは別の形のサイバー戦争だ
Metropolitan Police Commissioner talking about why the police need access to all of our communications, spying on us without any judicial oversight, and he said it was a matter of life and death.
警察は国民の情報通信の全てに アクセスすべき理由 司法の管理を受けずに 国民監視する権利が必要な理由が 生死に関わる問題だからだそうです
It'd be one thing if they said, Look, we know the number of telephones we're spying on, we don't know exactly how many real people that corresponds to. but they just came back and said, We can't give you a number at all.
これに対応する実際の人間の正確な数は 分からない というなら話は別だ しかし彼らは戻ってきて言うには その数字を答えることはできない これはとても...... つまり 恐ろしいことだ そしてこれが事実だ
You know, there's sort of these two polarizing perspectives, right, everything is great, the internet has created all this freedom and liberty, and everything's going to be fantastic or everything is terrible, the internet has created all these tools for cracking down and spying, and controlling what we say.
全てが偉大で インターネットがこの自由で縛られない ものたちを作り上げ 全てが素晴らしくなっていく 一方は 全てがひどいもので インターネットがクラックやスパイ用のツール群を作り出し
The problem with the spying program is it's this sort of long, slow expansion, you know, going back to the Nixon administration, right, obviously it became big after 9 11 under George W. Bush, and Obama has continued to expand it, and the problems have slowly grown worse and worse, but there's never been this moment you can point to and say,
遡ることニクソン政権から ジョージ W ブッシュ政権下 9 11以後に大きくなり始め オバマ政権下で拡大を続けている そしてこの問題はゆっくり ますます悪化している
At length the old hound burst into view with muzzle to the ground, and snapping the air as if possessed, and ran directly to the rock but, spying the dead fox, she suddenly ceased her hounding as if struck dumb with amazement, and walked round and round him in silence and one by one her pups arrived, and, like their mother, were sobered into silence by the mystery.
空気が有しており 岩に直接走ったかのように しかし 彼女は 死んだキツネをスパイ 打ったかのように突然彼女のハウンディングを中止 驚いてダム そしてラウンドを歩いて 無言で彼を丸め 一人ずつ
Thither, too, the woodcock led her brood, to probe the mud for worms, flying but a foot above them down the bank, while they ran in a troop beneath but at last, spying me, she would leave her young and circle round and round me, nearer and nearer till within four or five feet, pretending broken wings and legs, to attract my attention, and get off her young, who would already have taken up their march, with faint, wiry peep, single file through the swamp, as she directed.
銀行ダウンその上足 彼らは下に軍隊で実行した一方 スパイ行為 しかし最後に 私は 彼女は若いし 円のままだ ラウンドとは 壊れてふり 四 五フィート以内まで近くて近い 私を丸める


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