Translation of "unbearable" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Unbearable - translation :
Keywords : 耐え 我慢 負担

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

これ以上 耐えられん
Sounds unbearable
This is unbearable.
Bearing can be unbearable.
This heat is unbearable.
This isolation is unbearable.
The shame is unbearable.
The shame is unbearable.
Just staggering, unbearable pain.
我慢出来ない痛みだったよ あらあら
With an unbearable emptiness.
Please... It was unbearable.
The pain was almost unbearable.
And the mind feels unbearable.
そしてマインドは耐えられなく感じる そうだろう
Back then it was unbearable.
You must bear the unbearable.
And the silent ones unbearable
スルスリー鳴る屁は... . 聞こえぬよう
That would be an unbearable shame!
それは... 耐え難い恥でしょう!
So we decided to bear the unbearable.
だから我々は決めた 耐え難い負担
The thought of losing you... is unbearable.
あなたを失うなど 耐え難いことだ
The pain of the compound fracture was almost unbearable.
It's really unbearable to see him looking so down and out.
If your shame is too unbearable I offer you this sword.
lf your shame is too unbearable... ... l offer you this sword.
Some children resort to suicide in order to escape from unbearable pressure.
It's said to be nearly unbearable to witness, but I'll do my best.
正視に堪えないと言われているが 私は最善を尽くし見届けてやろう
Seriously, I'm not telling it because your ears bleed at the end it's just unbearable.
たまったもんじゃない アタリ2600の音みたいだ
When the window's open, the train noise is almost unbearable. You can hardly hear yourself think.
窓を開けてる時の騒音は 地獄だった
It's just that you've always wanted to make my life unbearable because 20 years ago I slept with your wife.
奥さんのことだろう 私と昔 関係があったからー
And now you've put in front of me the one thing, the one thing that is gonna make this unbearable.
なのに君は問題を持ってきた 耐え難い問題だ
In post conflict societies like Croatia, where a hyper nationalism and religiosity have created an environment unbearable for anyone who might be considered a social outcast.
極端なナショナリズムと宗教が 社会的なのけ者とされた者にとって 耐えられない環境を
During these 10 years, I had witnessed and learned the terrifying joy of unbearable responsibility, and I had come to see how it conquers everything else.
耐え難いほどの重責がもたらす 身のすくむような喜びです それは他の何物にも勝るということが 分かるようになりました 私はインタビューをしながら この親は 馬鹿だと思うことがありました
That sort of thing can happen because of the unbearable stress of the entrance exams, but at a place like this they shouldn't have to suffer those kinds of hardships.
チャンディ 何て書かれているか知ってる
Everything is intense to me, the way I walk in the street, the way my momma wakes me up, the way it's unbearable when I lose, the way I hear bad news.
通りを歩く時だって 朝ママが私を起こす時だって 失うことには耐えられの ニュースだって人ごとじゃないの 感情的なイキモノなんだから
For the immigrant who is picking the food that we eat everyday, taking care of our children everyday, cleaning the room that we sleep in and live in everyday the pain is unbearable.
私たちの子どもを世話して 寝室やリビングを掃除している そんな移民にとって それは耐え難い痛みです
These are the sounds you would expect, but they are also the sounds of dissonant concerts of a flock of birds screeching in the night, the high pitched honest cries of children and the thunderous, unbearable silence.
聞こえてくるのは そこにはそぐわない 夜に鳴く鳥の群れ
The pain is unbearable of being called illegal, being told that they are sneaking across the border just to take our jobs and drain our resources and contribute nothing and have babies just to stay in the United States.
密かに国境を越えてやって来た者が 職を奪い 社会資源に群がり 何も貢献せず アメリカに居住するためだけに 子どもを産むと言われることです
Whenever you come home late, your parents will start harping you on it, and you'll find it unbearable. No matter how late it gets, they'll stay up just to wait for you. They should just go to sleep already, don't you think?
夜遅く家に帰ると親がガミガミうるさくて嫌になっちゃう どんなに遅くても起きて待ってるんだよ 寝てればいいのにさ


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