Translation of "ups and downs" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Ups and downs - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Ups and downs.
Life has its ups and downs.
Life is full of ups and downs.
I know there are ups and downs.
人生って 山ありありでしょ
A man's life has its ups and downs.
A man's life has its ups and downs.
His life was full of ups and downs.
We like the ups and downs of life.
苦しみもいいものだ 小休止のときに気分がいいからね
And music has a rhythm, has ups and downs.
And that's the way, ultimately after some ups and downs,
試行錯誤の末 ご覧に入れる椅子をデザインすることになったのです
It's got all the ups and the downs of movements.
ただ 危機に置かれた人々のための
In which you shall neither see ups nor downs.
そこには 曲りも凹凸も見ないでしょう
Rowe's had a history of financial ups and downs, currently down.
経済状況は どん底だったようね
Don't be so glum about it. Life has its ups and downs.
人生沈む瀬あれば浮かぶ瀬あるわけだから あまりくよくよしないように
While experiencing ups and downs, my body was ruined and I lost vitality.
体は もう 損ねられて 元気が出なくなって 意欲がなくなったわけですよね
We knew there were going to be some ups and downs. Where the hell are the ups,karen?
多少の浮き沈みは 覚悟してたでしょ
Look I know you gals have your ups and downs. l get it.
確かに 女だから 気分の浮き沈みはあるさ
I've had my ups and downs, but I've always managed to pull myself together.
私にも浮き沈みありましたが 常にどうにか落ち着きを取り戻すようにしてきました
I am not a superhero, I go through ups and downs, so do you.
And sharing the investment opportunity locally, rather than with the ups and downs of the Stock Market.
It's a hot function, and it takes the number of ups, the number of downs so it can compute a total score, which is ups minus downs and the submission date of the link this field.
投稿された日付も関連しています つまり経過した時間で プラスのポイント数が変動します
And the downs are going to be much longer and the ups are going to be much shorter.
上がる期間は更に短くなるでしょう これこそが 二酸化炭素のように 頂点まで徐々に上がり続ける
These are old hand farmers who've gone through all the agricultural ups and downs in Kenya over the last 30 years.
農業の浮き沈みをすべて体験した ベテランの農業家達です 現在 アルテミシア キク科ヨモギ属 を生産しています
(Video) Diane Downs
Cisco UPS
Cisco UPSStencils
UPS, and FedEx, and Postal Service.
コスト構造は倉庫賃貸料 発送費 クリーニング代 物流費用
We still got jobs, we were living our lives expansively, with life's ups and downs, and we did not feel that we had wasted a single minute.
人生を拡大し続けている いい波 悪い波はありつつも 1分たりとも無駄に 過ごしてきたとは思わない
That's why all of this that you're going through the ups and the downs, the teachers that you love and the teachers that you don't why it's so important.
いいことも悪いことも 好きな先生もそうでない先生も なぜそんなに重要なのか それは 地域社会も 国も そして最終的には世界も
We also collected and activated power ups.
Network UPS Tools GUI client
ネットワーク UPS ツールの GUI クライアント
Now I can arrow down and define back ups
ツール 31 私最初のバックアップ ツールです
Learning between grown ups and kids should be reciprocal.
相互的であるべきです 現実は 残念ながら それとは違っており
Polaroids, mug shots and line ups, eyewitness testimony can change.
目撃者の証言は変わりうるのです 事例を紹介をしましょう
He does twenty push ups every morning.
Children want to act like grown ups.
Grown ups say this, not children, ok?
It's grown ups that get really upset.
Of course, I'm young, and politics is conducted by grown ups.
もちろん 私はまだ若いし 政治は大人がやっているんですもの
There might be a few other fields like ups and downs, kind of encapsulated in the score, but basically, everything whether it's a link, whether it's a comment, whether it's a subreddit, anything has these fixed columns.
そのthingがリンクでもコメントでもsubredditでも すべてのthingにはこの固定の列があります これは特に役に立つわけではありません
It is no use quarreling with grown ups.
Intended for children, the book entertains grown ups.
子供向けに書かれているが この本は大人も楽しませる
300 sit ups every day? That's completely impossible!
毎日腹筋三百回だって そんなの絶対無理
How many chin ups can you do, Tom?
トム 懸垂何回できる
Tom, how many pull ups can you do?
トム 懸垂何回できる


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