Translation of "withdrawn from" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

From - translation : Withdrawn - translation : Withdrawn from - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

He's, um, been withdrawn lately. A little withdrawn. Yeah.
最近 内向的というか 少し無口な感じで...
Withdrawn from around my country, Sangala, Immediately and permanently.
You will have your forces withdrawn from around my country,
軍を直ちに 永久に
Single mother. Socially withdrawn.
母子家庭 引きこもり
That person may be withdrawn,
下を向き 声を低くし
So, you are being withdrawn
There's no indication that the Vulcans have withdrawn from their consulates in Canberra or Berlin.
ヴァルカン人がキャンベラやベルリンの 領事館から撤退した様子は無いそうです
The troops assigned to cover it had withdrawn.
Decision to disallow Medicaid for second cochlea implant withdrawn.
Arrived here about nine months ago angry and withdrawn.
9ヶ月前ここに来た時は 荒れて孤立していた
Should We have withdrawn the Reminder from you as you are a people who exceed the bounds?
あなたがたが反逆の民であるというために われは この訓戒をあなたがたから取りあげて 放置出来ようか
And when Winter had withdrawn it's cold fingers from the land and passed into bright and early Spring.
大地が早春の光を迎える頃 アラドールの子 アラソルンは
And when Winter had withdrawn it's cold fingers from the land and passed into bright and early Spring.
冬が その凍てつく指を緩めはじめ 大地が早春の光を迎える頃
In the end the bill was forced into being withdrawn.
結局 法案は提出断念に追い込まれたのだった
And the signs are there. He's moody, withdrawn, argumentative, Hungover.
内向的で情緒不安定 少しの刺激で好戦的な態度を
Your child will be withdrawn, socially inept, obsessive, and have anxiety.
物事に固執し 不安を抱えるようになるでしょう 悪化する可能性が非常に高いでしょう
Well,as I'm sure you know, mr.Frobisher's withdrawn his generous offer.
座って ご存じかもしれんが 和解は取り下げた
And make mention of Mary in the Scripture, when she had withdrawn from her people to a chamber looking East,
またこの啓典の中で マルヤム の物語 を述べよ かの女が家族から離れて東の場に引き籠った時
The sample is the selection of hopefully random withdrawn people from this pool that are representative of the pool at large.
集団全体を代表しています この標本から有権者の投票行動を推測します
If he has withdrawn his high opinion of you, why should you care?
悪く思われたからって 何を気にするの
The quantity of line withdrawn from the boats engaged in the capture of this one whale, amounted altogether to 10,440 yards or nearly six English miles....
クジラは 10440ヤードまたは約6英語のマイルに完全に百.... 時にはクジラのようcrackingれ 空気中で その驚異的な尾を振る
Then how is it that when the (dying) breath is withdrawn into the throat (and rattles),
それならあなたがたは 臨終の人の魂が 喉もとを塞ぐ時
Again, not at all shy or withdrawn, or anything like the other children that I'd photographed.
それまで撮影してきた他の子供達とは全然違っていて まっさきに黒板に答えを解きにいく生徒でした
Doctor, you must understand, when Vicky came to us six months ago she was completely withdrawn.
6ヵ月前ヴィッキーが来た時 彼女はすっかり引きこもってた シスター ジョンソンを見つけた?
So, when he had withdrawn from them and that which they were worshipping beside Allah, We gave him Isaac and Jacob. Each of them We made a prophet.
それでかれ イブラーヒーム が かれらとアッラー以外にかれらが仕えるものから離れ去った時 われはかれにイスハークとヤアコーブを授けた そしてわれはかれらをそれぞれ預言者にした
Now that you have withdrawn from them, and from what they worship besides God, take shelter in the cave. And your Lord will unfold His mercy for you, and will set your affair towards ease.
そうだ あなたがたがかれらから またアッラー以外にかれらが崇拝する者からそれて 洞窟に逃れれば 主はあなたがたの上に慈悲を現わされ あなたがたのために 事態を安穏に処理なされよう
So if they give the lie to thee (Muhammad), say Your Lord is a Lord of All Embracing Mercy, and His wrath will never be withdrawn from guilty folk.
それでもかれらがあなたを虚言者であるとするなら 言ってやるがいい あなたがたの主は慈悲深い主で 凡てを包容なされる方である だが不義の民は かれの懲罰は免れられない
Then if they deny you (O dear Prophet Mohammed peace and blessings be upon him) say, Your Lord has boundless mercy and His wrath is never withdrawn from the culprits.
それでもかれらがあなたを虚言者であるとするなら 言ってやるがいい あなたがたの主は慈悲深い主で 凡てを包容なされる方である だが不義の民は かれの懲罰は免れられない
In very short, people who have more activity in the right side of the prefrontal cortex are more depressed, withdrawn.
元気がなく 引っ込み思案で 良い情動が多くありません
Now that you have withdrawn from them and from all that they worship instead of God, take refuge in that cave your Lord will extend His mercy to you and will make fitting provision for you in your situation.
そうだ あなたがたがかれらから またアッラー以外にかれらが崇拝する者からそれて 洞窟に逃れれば 主はあなたがたの上に慈悲を現わされ あなたがたのために 事態を安穏に処理なされよう
And I woke up in a head injury rehab ward, and I had been withdrawn from college, and I learned that my IQ had dropped by two standard deviations, which was very traumatic.
IQが標準偏差2個分も 下がったのを知って ショックを受けました 自分のIQを知っていたのは 優れた頭脳を見出され
If they can get both a forged card and its PIN then all the cash in the bank account will be withdrawn.
偽造カードと暗証番号が揃えば 口座にある限りの現金が引き出されてしまう
But no sooner was the punishment withdrawn for a time to enable them to make good their promise than they broke it.
だが 定められた期限になって われがかれらから災厄を除く度に 見なさい かれらは その約束を 破ろ
In the name of Hattori Hanzo the Third, the longstanding prohibition of hostilities between the Iga and the Kouga is hereby withdrawn.
長きにわたる 伊賀甲賀争忍の禁... そうにん 解くことといたす
Others still had to be persuaded. A lot of people of the Polytechnical Secondary School Werner Seelenbinder ... had withdrawn to their private lives.
Wir haben die Fußball WM.
The youths said to one another , And when you have withdrawn from them and that which they worship other than Allah, retreat to the cave. Your Lord will spread out for you of His mercy and will prepare for you from your affair facility.
そうだ あなたがたがかれらから またアッラー以外にかれらが崇拝する者からそれて 洞窟に逃れれば 主はあなたがたの上に慈悲を現わされ あなたがたのために 事態を安穏に処理なされよう
I sort of had this picture of this incredibly wonderful, bright, happy little child, who now appeared to be very withdrawn, being enslaved by this family.
この家族の奴隷となり とても引っ込みじあんになっている様子を 思い浮かべたんです ぞっとしました
Then it was withdrawn as suddenly as it appeared, and all was dark again save the single lurid spark which marked a chink between the stones.
石の割れ目をマーク 単一の身の毛もよだつような火花 その消滅は しかし しかし 瞬間的だった
(And they said to each other ) Now that you have withdrawn from them and what they worship beside God, it is better to take refuge in the cave. Your Lord may bestow of His mercy on you, and facilitate your affair.
そうだ あなたがたがかれらから またアッラー以外にかれらが崇拝する者からそれて 洞窟に逃れれば 主はあなたがたの上に慈悲を現わされ あなたがたのために 事態を安穏に処理なされよう
And now when ye have withdrawn from them and that which they worship, except God, betake yourselves to the cave your Lord will unfold for you some of His mercy, and will prepare for you of your affair an easy arrangement.
そうだ あなたがたがかれらから またアッラー以外にかれらが崇拝する者からそれて 洞窟に逃れれば 主はあなたがたの上に慈悲を現わされ あなたがたのために 事態を安穏に処理なされよう
American troops were sent to protect the relief shipments, but they were eventually drawn into the conflict, and after the tragic battle in Mogadishu, they were withdrawn.
結局は紛争に巻き込まれ 悲劇的なモガディシュでの戦闘(ブラックホークダウン)ののち 撤退しました 南スーダンでは 内戦で同様の飢餓作戦が
They think the companies have not yet withdrawn. And if the companies should come again , they would wish they were in the desert among the bedouins, inquiring from afar about your news. And if they should be among you, they would not fight except for a little.
かれらは 部族連合軍は敗退したのではないと考えている もし部族連合軍が 再び 来ることがあれば かれらはベドウィン族の間に身を置いて あなたがたの消息を尋ねる 立場になる ことを願っている またもしかれらがあなたがたの中にいても 僅かの者の外は戦わないであろう
They think that the Confederates have not withdrawn and if the Confederates should come (again), they would wish they were in the deserts (wandering) among the Bedouins, and seeking news about you (from a safe distance) and if they were in your midst, they would fight but little.
かれらは 部族連合軍は敗退したのではないと考えている もし部族連合軍が 再び 来ることがあれば かれらはベドウィン族の間に身を置いて あなたがたの消息を尋ねる 立場になる ことを願っている またもしかれらがあなたがたの中にいても 僅かの者の外は戦わないであろう
Well, we collect data from satellites, from airplanes, from ground vehicles, from people.
人々からデータを収集します この工程は技術的な問題
It's from Decatur. From where?


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