"政治的自由主義"の翻訳 英語に:

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政治的自由主義 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

民主主義政治なくして自由主義体制は成り立たないが 今日の社会では 民主主義政治だけでは自由主義体制は保証されないことを再確認させられる場面が多い
Or to a president of Venezuela whose intolerance of the business class causes jubilation in the streets, but emigration by those whose initiative is crucial for the welfare of the people. Less damaging, yet problematic, is the election as in Poland of a minority government that ruthlessly pursues its members personal interests and breaks all promises of cooperation made before the polls.
私は 政治にも興味があります 自由と民主主義は正当に評価されのか または独裁的な政治が市民に圧政をしくのか
Now these are things about general culture, but I'm also very much interested in political culture and whether liberty and democracy is appreciated, or whether there's an authoritarian political culture in which the state is supposed to impose things on the citizens.
政治システムはより自由主義 より民主主義の方向へ進んできました インドにも動的な視点を適用できます
But nevertheless, the system has moved in a more liberal direction, moved in a more democratic direction.
共産主義者 自由主義者
Before, revolutions used to have ideological names.
Democracy encourages freedom.
私は民主主義体制と自治政治に おいて信念を持っていました
I had such faith in our democratic system, our selfgovernment.
政治的レベルにおいて その反応はマカベー一族の民族主義的 根本主義的反乱であった
On the political level the response was the nationalist and fundamentalist revolt of the Maccabees.
He was arrested for taking part in a Burma's nation wide protest in 1988.
Democracy is one form of government.
自らを束縛する 政治 思想 宗教や 国家主義的な偏狭さです 私は...
Before this, though, one must leave behind the self imposed oppression of politics, ideology, religion, and nationalistic narrow mindedness.
イスラムは それ自身が 自身のあり方で 民主主義 自由主義
And I think the getaway message from that would be that Islam, despite some of the skeptics in the West, has the potential in itself to create its own way to democracy, create its own way to liberalism, create its own way to freedom.
民主主義の雛形 立憲君主国へ移行したのです 当時 自由というものは政治的重要性を強く持っていました
And that's why the Ottoman Empire in its last decades turned into a proto democracy, a constitutional monarchy, and freedom was a very important political value at the time.
私が先ほど話した問題 つまり 民主主義を 軍による統治や 神権政治と並べて 単なる政治的な選択と
What that will do is avoid the problem I was talking about earlier, where currently we have political parties presenting democracy as merely a political choice in those societies alongside other choices such as military rule and theocracy.
Please raise your hand high right now. OK.
過激な 自由主義者に
And what's more, converted it to liberalism.
I'm definitely a libertarian.
私は 実質的には 自由主義的だと思っています
One reviewer for a Roman Catholic newspaper called it totalitarian.
空腹な子どもには 政治や自由は
Hunger is humiliation. Hunger is hopelessness.
民主主義制度は そうではありません 政治家は地域の政治に縛られ
Today we have globalized the markets but we have not globalized our democratic institutions.
政治的な選択がその仕組みの中にあり 神権政治でも軍事独裁政権でもなく 民主主義は投票する際の
But to get to that stage, where democracy builds the fabric of society and the political choices within that fabric, but are certainly not theocratic and military dictatorship i.e. you're voting in a democracy, in an existing democracy, and that democracy is not merely one of the choices at the ballot box.
民主主義とは そんな自由を守る 政治上の発明だったのです なぜなら民主主義のおかげで 人民は恐怖から解放され
And democracy was the political innovation which protected this freedom, because we were liberated from fear so that our minds in fact, whether they be despots or dogmas, could be the protagonists.
ジョン エドワード(政治家)のウェブサイトです くそ 自由党員
Here's another really bad one.
政治的なコミットメント 財政的なコミットメント
90 percent of the funding came from Thailand.
独裁政治であるというのは言うまでもありません 動的には独裁政治からより民主主義の方向へ
Statically, China is a one party system, authoritarian there's no question about it.
西側の政治体制には透明性があり 本来の民主主義を体現している あるいは 自由と正義 他人に寛容なこと
In their own words to an open ended question we heard, Their political system is transparent and it's following democracy in its true sense.
The foundation of free nations is democracy.
He is a so called liberal.
政府の本質は 独裁的で 権威主義的で
And that regime that we got rid of was actually a dictatorship, an authoritarian regime, that for decades created a great sense of paralysis within the nation, within the people themselves.
正義 忠実 暴力 死 政治問題 社会問題 自由 この世の神秘を自覚しているので
Certain themes keep coming up justice, loyalty, violence, death, political and social issues, freedom.
自分たちの政治的無力さに加担しているのです それを 民主主義 と呼ぶのを受入れるなら
We feed our political impotence by allowing ourselves to call democracy something that is the very negation of our rights.
一芸術家が与える 実存主義的 社会的 政治的な影響は 非常に重要なものです
The existential and social and political impact an artist has on his nation's development of cultural identity is very important.
Individual freedom is the soul of democracy.
Politics, man. Politics.
This is political!
いままで試してきた他の政治形態を除いて考えると 民主主義とは最低の政治形態だ
Democracy is the worst form of government, except all the others that have been tried.
He loves talking about politics.
政治の場における日和見主義を 許さないとすれば 民主主義は失われます
And we can lose this with the very noble idea to keep people accountable for showing the people that we're not going to tolerate politicians the opportunism in politics.
共産主義はソビエト社会主義共和国の政治体制だったが 1993年に崩壊した
Communism was the political system in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, but that stopped in 1993.
Cause shit's fucked up and bullshit!
現在の民主主義の波紋が歓迎される背景には 多くの理由がある 民主主義は不正や悪用との関係が薄く 市民と政治の自由および政府の真に市民を重視する姿勢と強い関連性がある しかし経済的成功にとっては 民主主義はどれほど重要なのであろうか
There are many reasons to celebrate the current democratic wave. Democracy is associated with less injustice and abuse, with basic civic and political freedoms, and with greater sensitivity by governments for the true priorities of its citizens.
Freedom is the very essence of our democracy.
A certain amount of certainty gives the sense of a non zero outcome.
But certainly, recently, we've had some real tangible things about where society's changing.
It can give credit to sound decision making, adding momentum to success.
民主主義とは 人民の 人民による 人民のための政治である
Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, and for the people.


関連検索 : 政治的自由 - 政治的自由 - 政治的自由 - 政治的民主主義 - 自由主義 - 新自由主義政策 - 新自由主義政策 - 自由民主主義 - 自由民主主義 - 政治的過激主義 - 政治的行動主義 - 自由主義経済政策 - 新自由主義 - 新自由主義