"胚性幹細胞"の翻訳 英語に:

  辞書 日本-英語

胚性幹細胞 - 翻訳 :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

Let me write this down in a vibrant color.
それについては 幹細胞 胚性幹細胞のところで詳しく説明しよう 胚性幹細胞を巡る論争についても話せるかな
The whole process of differentiation is actually fascinating, and we'll talk a lot more about that when we talk about stem cells, embryonic stem cells, and maybe we'll even talk about the debate of it.
So why should you care? Bone marrow is a very rich source of adult stem cells.
成体幹細胞を 胚性幹細胞のようにプログラムし直せることを 発見しました
They discovered that adult cells, taken from you and me, could be reprogrammed back into embryonic like cells, which they termed IPS cells, or induced pluripotent stem cells.
胚性幹細胞ではないため 限界があります
But adult stem cells are not embryonic stem cells.
胚性幹細胞です 理由は その多能性です 多能性とは 非常に多くの細胞に
Embryonic stem cells have occupied center stage, chiefly because of their pluripotency that is their ease in differentiating into a variety of different cell types.
1998年 ヒト胚幹細胞が初めて発見され
This is an extremely new field.
1990年代に 世界で初めて行われた ヒト胚性幹細胞の分離で
And at that time, stem cell research had gained momentum, following the isolation of the world's first human embryonic stem cells in the 1990s.
成体幹細胞です 成体幹細胞は
Fat derived stem cells are adult stem cells.
桑実胚, し それを分割を保持し それ 胚盤胞に分化し これは 幹細胞が
The zygote happens or gets created and starts splitting up the morula, and then it keeps splitting and it differentiates into the blastocyst, and then this is where the stem cells are.
don't はちょうどそれらを呼ぶとは対照的胚性幹細胞 幹細胞 私たちの体のすべてを行うことは何だと
And obviously, the next question is, hey, well, why don't they just call them stem cells as opposed to embryonic stem cells?
胚肝細胞は特に強力な細胞です また生体幹細胞も私たちの体中に存在します
So I've studied a lot about stem cells embryonic stem cells are particularly powerful.
胚幹細胞から生まれた幹細胞です 体のどんな部分でも作り上げることができます
This is a stem cell that we've developed here in Oxford, from an embryonic stem cell.
自分のデバイス 体性幹細胞または大人 幹細胞は 人間に電源が入らない一方 胚の 1 つは 喜んで母に注入されている場合
But right now, this isn't an area of debate because, left to their own devices, a somatic stem cell or an adult stem cell won't turn into a human being, while an embryonic one, if it is implanted in a willing mother, then, of course, it will turn into a human being.
幹細胞は胚を破壊しています しかし 胚をされているここでのポイントにします
So the debate obviously is when you start an embryonic stem cell line, you are destroying an embryo.
So we're attacking the wrong target.
like heart, liver, nerve and pancreas.
胚細胞に感染します だから それは胚細胞に行くことができます
But it doesn't have to just infect somatic cells, it could infect a germ cell.
一般的にしたくないなら この上の味方 胚性幹細胞を含む研究に対して その同じ上の胚の破壊のね
So at least my take on it is if you're against and I generally don't want to take a side on this, but if you are against research that involves embryonic stem cells because of the destruction of embryos, on that same, I guess, philosophical ground, you should also be against in vitro fertilization because both of these involve the destruction of zygotes.
iPS細胞を作製します iPS細胞から胚プラズマを作ります
So he'll take, say, falcon skin cells, fibroblast, turn it into induced pluripotent stem cells.
胚スクリーニングです 6から 8個ほどの胚細胞を取って
But there are more important things that are already occurring embryo screening.
Let me write that down.
これらの細胞は 現在も標準的に用いられる ヒト胚幹細胞ではないにもかかわらず 疾患のモデル化
This was really an extraordinary advance, because although these cells are not human embryonic stem cells, which still remain the gold standard, they are terrific to use for modeling disease and potentially for drug discovery.
細胞分裂が始まったばかりの時 体中どの細胞にも変化できる 未分化な胚性幹細胞の時は クロマチンはまだ それほど多くの エピジェネティク マークを持っていません
Interestingly, when you were first conceived, and you were just comprised of a few, undifferentiated embryonic stem cells, which had the potential to become any cell in your body, your chromatin didn't have many Epigenetic marks on it.
証明したのは 女性の幹細胞は 動物で実証し
And some of our investigative teams have demonstrated that female stem cells and this is in animals and increasingly we're showing this in humans that female stem cells, when put even into a male body, do better than male stem cells going into a male body.
Many scientists can now grow many different types of cells.
骨折と骨肉腫発症を関連づけしている文献がありました 幹細胞の性質のせいです 幹細胞とは
And it was really interesting there were articles correlating if you have a bone fracture, and then bone cancer arises.
マウス細胞だけでなく ヒトの皮膚細胞から ヒト幹細胞を作れるからです
That turns out to be a big deal because now you can take, not just mouse cells, but you can human skin cells and turn them into human stem cells.
皮膚細胞から幹細胞を用意し 肝臓細胞を作りました 理論的には
And then what they did in October is they took skin cells, turned them into stem cells and began to turn them into liver cells.
iPS細胞を使って あらゆる細胞から 卵子や精子等の 胚細胞を作ることです
The most exciting thing for Bob Lanza is the ability now to take any kind of cell with induced pluripotent stem cells and turn it into germ cells, like sperm and eggs.
I'll nicely demonstrate that for you. (Laughter)
骨髄損傷にヒト胚性幹細胞を使う世界初の試みが 米国食品医薬局の 承諾を得て進行中です
As we speak, the world's first human embryonic stem cell trial for spinal cord injury is currently underway following the USFDA approval.
2年前に発表した幹細胞です その幹細胞とは 羊水や胎盤から採取でき
And we're working a lot with the stem cells that we published on two years ago, stem cells from the amniotic fluid, and the placenta, which have those properties.
その人自身の細胞や 別の幹細胞です あるいは同時に
Or we can use cells alone, either your very own cells or different stem cell populations.
2. 胚遺伝子検査と体細胞遺伝子検査
Recommendation 2
幹細胞および幹細胞ラインが言う 私は意味します 幹細胞のカップルを取るまたは 1 つの茎を取ることを仮定 セル し ペトリ皿に入れるし 許可
So you have this notion of when you to get an embryonic stem cell line, and when I say a stem cell line, I mean you take a couple of stem cells, or let's say you take one stem cell, and then you put it in a Petri dish, and then you allow it to just duplicate.
These are actually cells that we obtained.
心不全になっています 幹細胞は
4.8 million suffer cardiac failure.
Then you will see roots digging deep, building a strong foundation
1967年 生物環境の影響 幹細胞実験
'In what way have we been using the influence of society, which is probably the most powerful force in human psychology?' 1967 Influence of Biological Environments A Stem Cell Experiment
They've got great potential but haven't yet entered clinical trials.
最先端技術に 幹細胞治療があります 生理学的に 女性と男性の
And one of the the cutting edge areas that we're just incredibly excited about is stem cell therapy.
成体幹細胞は成熟した細胞です 成人した人間のようなものです このような細胞は可能性が限られていて
And here is the limitation adult stem cells are mature cells, and, like mature human beings, these cells are more restricted in their thought and more restricted in their behavior and are unable to give rise to the wide variety of specialized cell types, as embryonic stem cells can .
It's a great source of stem cells.
独自のペトリ皿 これらは幹細胞ラインです
Then someone could take one of these and then put it in their own Petri dish.


関連検索 : 胚性幹細胞研究 - 胚細胞 - 胚細胞 - 幹細胞 - 胚芽細胞 - 多能性幹細胞 - 多能性幹細胞 - 幹細胞上 - 幹細胞源 - 幹細胞ニッチ - 細胞様幹 - 胞胚 - 胞胚 - 幹細胞研究