"environmentally"の翻訳 日本語へ:
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Environmentally - translation :
例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)
Germans are very environmentally conscious. | ドイツ人は環境に対する意識が非常に高い |
Environmentally conscious businesses are doable. | お見せしたように 私は今のところ3つを完成させました |
As Jeremy Cloud said, it's not sustainable environmentally. | 経済的にも持続しないのです |
We're doing this in an environmentally responsible way. | 電気のない35 の人のために配電網を走らせるのではなく |
So therefore, the technology is extremely environmentally friendly. | 非常に環境にやさしいと言えます 驚異的な技術である コンタークラフティング は |
So it makes the materials environmentally active and interactive. | 持たないようにもできるのです 先ほどお見せしたネジも |
What if you could make them fun, attractive, clean, environmentally friendly? | 出来たらとうでしょうか |
So you recognize that wind and solar are environmentally invasive forms of energy generation? | これらの技術は広い面積を必要します |
And I started to feed them in the most traditional and environmentally friendly way. | 彼らを育てたのです 学校の食堂に行っては |
The green dye is not environmentally dangerous, but it obviously looks really rather frightening. | どう見ても どちらかというと本当に恐ろしく見えます また他方で 大変美しいとも私は思います |
They get all these other benefits environmentally, money, they get education it's a great deal. | すばらしい計画なのです すべては1つの理念に基づいています |
Please watch the video. (Video starts) GREEN FLOAT is a new conceptual model for environmentally friendly cities. | GREEN FLOATは赤道直下の洋上に |
But the main concern for the environmentally interested students and they are right is about the future. | 主に心配しているのは もっともなのですが 将来のことです 動向はどうなっているのか 傾向線を |
I want to leave you tonight is, a city of the future has to be environmentally friendly. | 未来の都市は 環境にやさしくあれ 都市づくりを進める上では |
We have been proposing the concept of an environmentally friendly city, GREEN FLOAT, for the past 3 years. | 地球の表面の3割でしかない陸地に |
I'm going to do the environmentally right thing, I'm going to buy the Prius, 50 miles per gallon. | 1ガロンで50マイル走る プリウスを買おう と言います 他の人が展示場に入っていきます |
Environmentally, meat, amazingly, causes more emissions than all of transportation combined cars, trains, planes, buses, boats, all of it. | 肉の生産で生じる温暖化ガスの量は 自動車 電車 航空機 バス 船など あらゆる交通手段からの温暖化ガスの量よりも多いのです |
Bio and cybertechnologies are environmentally benign in that they offer marvelous prospects, while, nonetheless, reducing pressure on energy and resources. | 素晴らしい展望があるにもかかわらず エネルギーや資源の消費を 抑えることができます しかし負の側面もあります |
And what really intrigued me, was when I saw that diet accounts for 30 to 35 percent of environmentally caused cancers. | 食べ物がガンを誘発する 環境要因の 30 35 を占めていたことです |
We're developing alternative powertrains that are going to make cars affordable in every sense of the word economically, socially and environmentally. | 本当の意味で受け入れられる 代替的な パワートレインを |
liquid natural gas tankers to decentralized resources that are environmentally more friendly, a lot more efficient and capable and safe from disruption. | 自然にやさしく 効率が良く 高性能で 破綻の危険のない 分散したリソースへと 向かうのです |
But when I lecture to environmentally concerned students, they tell me, No, everybody in the world cannot have cars and washing machines. | 世界中の誰もが車や洗濯機を所有するなんて無理です と言います この女性にどうして |
Take BP they spent millions of pounds over many years building up its credentials as an environmentally friendly brand, but then one little accident. | 長年に渡り何百万ポンドも投じて 環境に優しい企業というイメージを作り上げたのに つまらない事故1つで台無しです |
A greater distribution of the means of production, environmentally sound supply chains, and a newly relevant DlY maker culture can hope to transcend artificial scarcity. | 環境に優しいサプライチェーン まったく新しい日曜大工的な製造文化が より多く浸透することによって |
One of the things that geoengineering is about, when you're environmentally doing something with the atmosphere, is that you can be engaged in weather modification. | 大気の環境に 働きかけることで 気象操作が可能だと考えます アメリカの歴史における |
Now, what's missing from the larger debate is a comprehensive cost benefit analysis between not fixing an unhealthy, environmentally challenged community, versus incorporating structural, sustainable changes. | 不健康で環境に問題をもたらすコミュニティと 連携し構造的で持続可能な変化との間の 包括的な費用便益分析です |
And, in fact, there is a product called TPA that's mimicked that protein that stop protein and it's an environmentally friendly way to stop scaling in pipes. | 結晶を止める蛋白質を真似して作られました 管のスケーリングを止める環境に優しい方法です その時から技術者の姿勢が変わりました |
We'd have a far better far better knowledge of what's happening on our planet environmentally than could be gathered with satellites and a handful of government sensor nets alone. | 衛星や政府の設置する 一握りのセンサーが 収集する情報なんかより はるかに上を行く情報を把握しています |
Given the duress that we're feeling environmentally in these times, it is time for scientists to reach outward, and time for those outside of science to reach towards academia as well. | 学者達は外交的になる時が来ています 同時に 科学と関わりない人も学術に目を向けるときが来ているのです 私は科学という道具を使い |
Or what if you could give genetic information to a battery so that it could actually become better as a function of time, and do so in an environmentally friendly way? | 時間の経過とともに 進化させられたら しかも環境に優しくできないか |
I think the environmental movement has failed in that it's used the stick too much it's used the apocalyptic tone too much it hasn't sold the positive aspects of being environmentally concerned and trying to pull us out. | 良くなかったと思います 世界の終わりのような論調を使いすぎました 環境問題を真剣に考え 解決策を考えるという |
We realized that when plastics get to the dump, it's difficult to sort them because they have similar densities, and when they're mixed with organic matter and construction debris, it's truly impossible to pick them out and environmentally eliminate them. | プラスチックの分別は難しいということです みんな同じような密度で 有機ゴミや建築廃材と混ざろうものなら プラスチックだけ取り出して |
As the sky gets darker, and the outside air temperatures drop below minus 100 degrees Fahrenheit, the most environmentally hostile segment of Helios's journey has gone by without notice, except for being recorded by specially designed data acquisition systems and their associated sensors. | 空は暗く 外気温は 70 まで下がりました しかし特別仕様のデータ収集システムと センサーの記録以外には |
We don't know yet how to build a society which is environmentally sustainable, which is shareable with everybody on the planet, which promotes stability and democracy and human rights, and which is achievable in the time frame necessary to make it through the challenges we face. | 環境の観点から持続可能な社会を 地球上の全員がシェアできる社会を 安定で民主的で人権が守られる社会を |
If five percent of that population became, quote, middle class, and wanted to go the way we've gone in the last hundred years at the same time that 50 percent of their population are moving into cities of the size and density of Manhattan, every six weeks it isn't sustainable environmentally it isn't sustainable economically there just ain't enough oil and it's not sustainable politically. | 我々が過去100年間 歩んできたような 生活を選んだとして 同時に人口の50 が 6週毎に マンハッタンと同じ面積と人口密度を 持つ都市に流入すると |
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