"tidal"の翻訳 日本語へ:

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Tidal - translation :
キーワード : 津波 血脈 のみ

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

They weren't warned of the tidal wave.
It is carried away by tidal waves.
The tidal wave warning has been canceled.
There's a tidal wave coming from the east.
地震による津波が 東から やってきている
An effect like this could cause earthquakes, tidal waves.
And our brains our celebrated brains reflect a drainage of a tidal marsh.
That they are Piles of stars stripped away by tidal interactions of galaxies in the cluster.
That would be able to sap the tidal wave of its energy. Before it hits the city.
波が都市を襲う前に 消すことができる
Last year in the Philippines, earthquakes and tidal waves resulted in the deaths of more than 6000 people.
Last year in the Philippines, earthquakes and tidal waves resulted in the deaths of more than 6,000 people.
I could show you love In a tidal wave of mystery You'll still be standing next to me
君は僕の幸運のお守りなのかも たとえ地中深くに葬り去られたって きっと僕らは無事なはず
Once in a lifetime the longed for tidal wave of justice can rise up, and hope and history rhyme.
正義の波が巻き起こり人々は希望とその歴史を たたえるだろう こちらの語群をご覧ください
The milestone paper was by Alar and Juri Toomre, who did simulations of colliding disc galaxies using a lot of approximations, but with a great physical intuitions, and they already reproduced interesting Morphological features like tidal distortions, tidal tails and bridges and things like that.
たくさんの近似を使って ただし素晴らしい物理的直観も用いつつシミュレートした 彼らの時点で既に 興味深い形状 たとえば 渦巻きゆがみ 渦巻きしっぽ 橋 などなど
Whewell's worldwide study of the tides resulted in public tide tables and tidal maps that freely provided the harbormasters' knowledge to all ship captains.
公的な潮汐表と潮汐地図が完成し 港湾管理人だけが持っていた 知識を 全ての船長が 自由に得られるようになりました
Once an iceberg breaks away from the glacier or ice shelf, it will usually live for three to six years, floating around, carried by the currents and tidal movements of the ocean.
切り離された氷山は 通常3年から6年の間 海流や潮に乗って
Herschel helped by making tidal observations off the coast of South Africa, and, as he complained to Whewell, he was knocked off the docks during a violent high tide for his trouble.
潮汐観測を行いました 激しい高波で 埠頭から落ちてしまったと ヒューエルに こぼしたそうです
I delivered a lecture in which I described history as, on the whole, a tidal wave of human suffering and brutality, and Mr. Teszler came up to me afterwards with gentle reproach and said,
人類の苦難と残虐性の 津波のようなものであると熱弁しました 終わった後 テスラ氏が来て 優しい叱責を込めてこう言いました いいかい 博士 人間というものは 本質的に善いものなんだよ
This may seem minor, but it is terrifying to hear rumor after rumor after rumor that another tidal wave, bigger than the last, will be coming at exactly 1 p.m., or perhaps tonight, or perhaps ...
いや 今夜かも いやいや たぶん と 噂が噂を呼ぶのは 実際かなりの恐怖を煽る 病院へ向かうため ボートに乗ることが
lived like the uphills were mountains and the downhills were cliffs, four fifths suicidal, a tidal wave of antidepressants, and an adolescent being called Popper, one part because of the pills, 99 parts because of the cruelty.
8割方は 自殺願望に囚われ 抗鬱剤の高潮に流されて 思春期のあだ名が ヤク中 1 は薬のせい
So my premise here is that nuclear energy puts out more carbon dioxide, puts out more air pollutants, enhances mortality more and takes longer to put up than real renewable energy systems, namely wind, solar, geothermal power, hydro tidal wave power.
地熱や波力 さらに風力や太陽光などの 再生可能エネルギーよりも


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