"while being"の翻訳 日本語へ:

  辞書 英語-日本

Being - translation : While - translation : While being - translation :

  例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)

True! I learned while being hit.
But while our instrument was being built,
Even while the chief was being killed?
Please wait while the image is being saved...
画像を保存しています しばらくお待ちください
Please wait while the bookmarks are being imported.
Please wait while the message is being decrypted...
メッセージを復号します お待ちください
Please wait while the signature is being verified...
署名を検証します お待ちください
He held his tongue while he was being scolded.
Actually, while being pretty general, it's also pretty limited yet.
具体的に言うと いつでも再現できるように
Can we have this kind of well being while being sad? In a way, why not?
While the demonstration was being made, the president was taking notes.
デモが行われている間 社長はノートを取っていた
He tried to be brave while he was being held hostage.
人質にとられながら 彼は努めて勇敢に振る舞った
This is a recent shot of my daughter and her friends being together while not being together.
一緒にいるけど 一緒じゃないという 最近の写真です
While their brains were having an advantage from being able to copy
火を起こす事 燃やし続ける事 新しい狩猟法
Likewise, plumbing elements could be installed while the building is being erected.
建物の建設と同時に構築されていきます ご存じの通り現在 これらの工事は
Can't you just be happy being yourself for a little while longer?
もうちょっと長く 自分でいられること 幸せに思わないの?
The un's paralyzed,ethan,while people are being butchered by that madman.
国連は手も足も出ないのよ イーサン あの狂人が人々を殺しまくってる間 ずっとね
while We had brought the jinn into being before out of blazing fire.
またわれは先に燃え盛る炎から幽精 ジン を創った
While many loudly thought of themself being the World Cup holders of tomorrow,
Und ich wünsch dir jedenfalls alles Gute zum Geburtstag und bleib wie du bist...
He tried to behave as bravely as possible while he was being held hostage.
人質にとられながら 彼は努めて勇敢に振る舞った
Not being able to talk to one another while they're onstage because they're mic'd.
Won't something good come out of Ha Ni being apart for a little while?
ギドンさんまでそんな風で どうしましょう
While drinking, while talking, while writing, while watering our garden.
庭で水やりをしているとき いつでも 今 ここを生きることは可能なのです
While walking, while sleeping?
寝てんの 歩きながら
So is one brought up in ornaments while being during conflict unevident attributed to Allah ?
美しい 着物を着て大事に育てられるが明らかな根拠がないのに口論する者 をアッラーと同位にし てもよいのか
And they get to drink wine through the tube while their brains are being scanned.
彼らの上にはスクリーンがあり 飲んでるワインの情報が読めるようになってる 全員が同じワインを飲む
In several versions, her panties are clearly shown to the player while she's being abducted.
このゲームは25年の間に 何度もリメイクされ 数多くのゲームシステムにポートされ
Do they feel secure from being overtaken by a blanket punishment from Allah, or being overtaken by the Hour, suddenly, while they are unaware?
かれらに下るアッラーの懲罰が覆いかかることに対し またかれらが気付かない間に突然来る時に対し かれらは安心出来るのか
Being able to smile while in great distress is not duck soup for a passionate individual.
非常に苦しいさなかにも 笑うことは 感情の激しい人には容易にできることではない
But whoever has done righteous deeds, while being a believer will fear neither injustice, nor grievance.
だが善行に動しみ 信仰した者は 何の心配もなく 主からの報奨を 減らされることもないのである
Even while I was dithering it's like I was being backed further and further into a corner.
迷っている間にも どんどん袋小路に追いつめられていくみたい
And what were you doing while I was being escorted by dead relatives to the bright light?
で 何してたんだよ 死んだ親族が出迎えて 明るい方にお呼ばれしてる時は
So, you were busy getting your machetes and your nice shoes while we were being shot at.
それじゃ お前は自分の鉈と ステキな靴を手に入れるのに忙しかった訳だ 俺たちが銃撃している間でさえも
Fearenside's cart, while Hall was having a word or so of gossip preparatory to helping being them in.
それらをインチbeing 彼が来てアウト で好事家の精神にスニッフィングが誰 Fearensideの犬に気付いていない
This set of short steel jaws was bored to one inch deep while being held at 100 psi
ときに我々 がこれを正確にクランプ加工スラグ 300 psi で偏向のためのチェック
And our younger generation are going to transform this country while at the same time being transformed themselves.
この国を変えながら 自分たちも変わっていくことでしょう ありがとうございました
While idle
Yes. While...
そう 彼女の...
A while.
While Carlos.
That'sjustgonnahavetowaita while
恋は あと回し
We're being observed. We're being observed.
Work while you work, play while you play.
勉強する間は勉強し 遊ぶ間は遊べ
It's solvable by being citizens, by being citizens, by being TEDizens.
TEDの仲間 TEDizens だから できるんです この改革を推し進めて
It allows you to overlay digital things into your eye sight while still maintaining being part of the world.
デジタル情報を重ね合わせて 見ることができます 携帯電話を 取り出して見る場合


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