Translation of "disgusted with" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Disgusted - translation : Disgusted with - translation : With - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I am disgusted with you.
I am disgusted with you.
She's disgusted with the job.
I am disgusted with him.
I am disgusted with him.
She is disgusted with the job.
Everybody is disgusted with his pride.
I was disgusted with his pointless talk.
(Lot) said I am disgusted with your actions,
かれ ルートは 言った わたしは 本当にあなたがたの行いを忌み嫌っています
He said, I am disgusted with your works.
かれ ルートは 言った わたしは 本当にあなたがたの行いを忌み嫌っています
Would you be very disgusted or not at all disgusted?
この種の質問を十分にすれば 嫌悪のしやすさを示す
I am disgusted with myself for my short memory.
I think I was disgusted with the way he worked.
彼のやり方には うんざりだった
The bad smell disgusted us.
She was disgusted at his persistence.
I have become disgusted of living.
I knew you'd be disgusted with me... I didn't tell you.
imovie抜けたんです 15倍
Otherwise, he might just think I'm disgusted with him for no particular reason.
でないと 私が 理由もなく 嫌っていると思われちゃう
We are disgusted by his bad manners.
He had no ambition. It disgusted me.
野心がないのが 許せなくて
I'm both impressed and disgusted at that.
僕は感動しているよ そして うんざりだね
The dirty plates in the restaurant disgusted us.
Then he got disgusted with the boys from the Agriculture Department when they couldn't come up with an answer.
農務省の二人にうんざりしてね 彼等は何も答を 見つけられなかったのさ
That makes me disgusted just to think of it.
When it comes to raw fish, I feel disgusted.
I was so disgusted I spent my money on this thing.
それで我々は発明をやめた いいえ
But if I were you, I would be hurt, angry, disgusted even.
私なら 怒ったりしてると思うの
You know, the old me would have been really disgusted by that.
ねえ 以前の私だったら こんなこと嫌でたまらなかったと思うわ
(The day) when the leaders will be disgusted with their followers and they shall see their punishment, and all their links will be cut off.
その時指導者たちは追従者を見捨てて 懲罰を目の辺にして かれらの間の一切の絆が断絶するであろう
Those probably made a lot of you in the audience feel very, very disgusted, but if you didn't look,
強い嫌悪感を持ったでしょう 見なかった方のために 世界共通に嫌悪感を誘発するものを
The arrogant leaders of the people replied We shall drive you away from our land, O Shu'aib, and those who are with you, unless you come back to your faith. But he remarked Even if we are disgusted with it?
かれの民の中の高慢な長老たちは言った シュアイブよ わたしたちは あなたもあなたと一緒に信仰する者たちも この町から追放するであろう さもなければ わたしたちの宗教に返るべきである かれは言った 仮令わたしたちが それを 忌み嫌っていてもなのですか
As you can see, people who are on the very conservative side of answering the political orientation scale are also much more likely to report that they're easily disgusted.
政治的にとても保守的である人々は 気分を害されやすいと 報告する傾向にあるのです このデータを使うと
I can tell you about some of the other things that have been shown sort of across the world to make people disgusted, things like feces, urine, blood, rotten flesh.
さらに幾つか挙げてみます 排泄物 尿 血 腐った肉など これらを避けたいと思うのも当然です
Because, you know, the one thing, one thing that you get with this disease, this one comes with a package, is you get a real sense of shame, because your friends go, Oh come on, show me the lump, show me the x rays, and of course you've got nothing to show, so you're, like, really disgusted with yourself because you're thinking,
たったひとつ  真の恥 です なぜなら 友人達から ねえ 腫瘍を見せて とか X線を見せて と言われても 何もないし
And this is so infuriating and humiliating for the population of Afghanistan, that it makes the recruitment for al Qaeda very easy, when people are so disgusted by, for example, the burning of the Koran.
激しく怒ったのです それがアルカイダのリクルートを容易にしました 例えば コーランを燃やすなどの行為は
The first time that we set out to collect data on this and associate it with political or moral beliefs, we found a general pattern this is with the psychologists Yoel Inbar and Paul Bloom that in fact, across three studies we kept finding that people who reported that they were easily disgusted also reported that they were more politically conservative.
政治的 道徳的信条と比べてみると 一定のパターンがあることが分かりました 心理学者のヨエル インバーと ポール ブルームと共同で行なった
Other labs have actually looked at this as well using different measures of disgust sensitivity, so rather than asking people how easily disgusted they are, they hook people up to physiological measures, in this case skin conductance.
研究グループもありました 彼らは嫌悪感を感じやすいか尋ねるのではなく 生理的な方法によって判断しました
We have to resort to experimental methods to answer this, and so what we can do is actually bring people into the lab and disgust them and compare them to a control group that hasn't been disgusted.
被験者を研究室に呼び 彼らに嫌悪感を起こさせ コントロールグループと 比較をすることです
Beware of the man with... with... with... with...
気をつけな... 男に... 男...
With loving kindness, with patience, with openness?
これは それらの偉大な瞑想家が行っていることです
With joy, with gratitude, and with love,
Ä é Å   é Æ ð ³Ž µ Ä ½ Æ Å B Í A
When we were first investigating the role of disgust in moral judgment, one of the things we became interested in was whether or not these sorts of appeals are more likely to work in individuals who are more easily disgusted.
調査し始めた当時 興味をもったことの一つは このような説得の仕方が嫌悪感を抱きやすい人に より強く働きかけるかどうかです
With strength! With power!
Because we connect with her, with here, with the heart not with here, with the brain.
心が 繋がるから 敏感になって そして繋がりましょう
We were experimenting with type, with illustration, with photos.
イラストや写真でも とても楽しかった それらはすぐに結果をもたらし始めました


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