Translation of "neonatal intensive care" to Japanese language:
Dictionary English-Japanese
Examples (External sources, not reviewed)
Here's a neonatal intensive care unit, where moms come in to visit their babies. | 母親がやってきて 赤ちゃんとの時間を過ごします その母親は帝王切開を 少し前に経験したかもしれません |
Here's a neonatal intensive care unit, where moms come in to visit their babies. | お母さんが赤ちゃんに会うために来ています お母さんは帝王切開したばかりかもしれません |
Intensive care? | 集中治療 |
They moved me from intensive care to acute spinal. | 薄くて固い専用ベッドに寝かされました |
I am looking for a patient in Intensive Care | 集中治療中の患者なんですが |
This is the intensive care unit in which I work. | さて これは私がナイジェリアの集中治療室について |
I've worked in intensive care, the death rate for males in Australia has halved, and intensive care has had something to do with that. | 半減しました 集中治療の成果です さまざまな技術を駆使した |
Now, as you heard in the intro, I work in intensive care, and I think I've kind of lived through the heyday of intensive care. | 集中治療の全盛期を経験しました 色々なことがあって 最高でした |
So this is a newborn intensive care unit in Kathmandu, Nepal. | ここの赤ちゃんはみな こんな感じの保育器の中にいます |
He's got pneumonia, and he looks like he needs intensive care. | 集中治療が必要だ 娘さんは あらゆる手を |
So this is a newborn intensive care unit in Kathmandu, Nepal. | 毛布にくるまれただけの赤ちゃんは このような保温器に入るべきなんです |
In Miami, it's three out of five people die in intensive care. | そういう勢いです |
Surpassing labour intensive, capital intensive, the age has shifted greatly to knowledge intensive. | 労働集約 資本集約を超えて 時代はナレッジ インテンシブへと大きくシフトしている |
He's in the intensive care ward at Our Lady of the Worthless Miracle. | くだらない奇跡の聖母という病院の集中治療室に入院している |
Capital intensive industries are not necessarily knowledge intensive industries. | 資本集約産業は必ずしも知識集約産業ではない |
I found myself in a hospital in an intensive care ward, recuperating from emergency surgery. | 集中治療病棟にいて 緊急手術からの回復中でした 私には |
Water is energy intensive. | 緑化環境を構築することで |
As economy develops, labor intensive industries give way to capital intensive industries. | 経済が発展すると 労働集約産業は資本集約産業に取って代わられる |
AI is used in intensive care to understand whether there are situations that need immediate attention. | またAIは終身医療の分野で 症状を長期で観察するのに使われてきました |
Here is our very first patient, out of intensive care, and just watch that chair, all right? | あの椅子を見て下さい これが私の言う アフリカに適切なもの ということです |
I'm a senior resident in anesthesia in intensive care at the University Hospital of the West Indies. | 麻酔を担当する専門臨床研修医です 2006年にここに来てから |
Swedish translation and intensive testing | ポーランド語の翻訳 |
Intensive farming is depleting soils. | 持続し得ない エネルギー消費をし |
Some pretty intensive make up. | もしポートレートではなくて 例えばそう 手だけを撮影するなら |
It matters because the health care industry is the second most energy intensive industry in the United States. | アメリカで2番目にエネルギー消費が多い 産業だからです 病院は オフィスビルの |
It's a big labor intensive effort. | 世界レベルで考えれば |
But it was very labor intensive. | 現状では バーチャルと現実の差は |
They are labor intensive and inefficient. | 周囲を見回してみると |
It's very data intensive experimental science. | 初期のSLACのコンピューティングから |
They graze everything down, intensive grazing. | 3日間ほど待って |
I was the only Brit, on a team of about nine American cardiac surgeons, cardiac nurse, intensive care nurse. | 全員アメリカ人です 今までこのチームで3度遠征をしてきました |
Could we build a neonatal incubator that's built entirely out of automobile parts? | 新生児用の保育器を作れないだろうか 出来上がったものがこちら |
I came to the Heart Institute in 2006, as part of my elective in my anesthesia and intensive care program. | 選択科目で麻酔と集中治療のプログラムを受講しました ハートインスティチュートには3 ヶ月いました |
I'm sweating, this is so computationally intensive | 次は この行 掛ける ここの列それぞれです |
Extensive reading is as important as intensive reading. | 多読は精読と同様重要である |
The intensive course did marvels for my French. | 集中講習で私のフランス語は驚くほど上達した |
I woke up in intensive care, and the doctors were really excited that the operation had been a success because at that stage | 手術の成功に沸く医者がいました 足の親指が少しだけ動き |
they placed it in a bassinet, were in the process of transferring it to an intensive care when they realized what was happening. | 揺りかごに入れ 現状の認識後 医療チームは集中資料室へと |
less capital intensive that there's less money that's required | 資本の持ち主 資金集めが |
With intensive psychotherapy, an autistic child can be treated... | 集中的精神治療法で 自閉症の子供は治療でき... |
All right, this is a slide from a talk I gave about intensive care units in Nigeria, and jokingly we refer to it as Expensive Scare. | プレゼンをした際のスライドの一枚ですが 冗談で 高くつく恐怖 と言っています 危なくて 高いからです でも必要なんです |
If we, a petro intensive company can do it, anybody can. | そして誰でもできるのならば 全員ができるということです |
And I went through this roller coaster, because after they stabilized her, she went to the intensive care unit, and I hoped against hope that she would recover. | 彼女は容態が安定すると 集中治療室に送られました 彼女の 回復だけが 私の一縷の望みでした |
How we die lives on in the minds of everybody who survives us, and the stress created in families by dying is enormous, and in fact you get seven times as much stress by dying in intensive care as by dying just about anywhere else, so dying in intensive care is not your top option if you've got a choice. | 死に様が生き続けるのです 死による 家族のストレスは甚大で 集中治療室で死ぬ場合のストレスは |
Formations, like these require long hours of intensive drilling and careful judgement. | 編隊がカーブを曲がる際は |
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