Translation of "serenity" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Serenity - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

I was enjoying the serenity.
Peace, health, serenity, happiness, nirvana.
平穏 幸福 涅槃(ねはん)に行き着くでしょう 費用はいくらかって?
Serenity, peace of mind, humor
Welcome to my serenity circle.
Indeed the virtuous are in serenity.
敬虔な者は 必ず至福の中にいる
Indeed the virtuous are in serenity.
本当に敬虔な者は 必ず至福の中におり
He is therefore in the desired serenity.
Logic offers a serenity humans seldom experience.
It's like, it's about serenity and it's about sublime.
海の生物になった 感覚を体験できます
It is a deep sense of serenity and fulfillment.
You will recognise the freshness of serenity on their faces.
Many a face will be in serenity on that day.
外の或る者たちの 顔は その日歓喜し
And make me among the inheritors of the Gardens of serenity.
Indeed for the pious, with their Lord, are Gardens of Serenity.
本当にアッラーを畏れる者に対しては 主の御許に喜こびの楽園があろう
Indeed those who believed and did good deeds for them are Gardens of serenity.
Does every man among them aspire to be admitted into the Garden of serenity?
And when you look towards it, you will see serenity and a great kingdom.
A blue robed man, whose fittest roof is the overarching sky which reflects his serenity.
静けさ 彼はこれまで死ぬことができるか私が見る必要はありません 自然を
I learned when I grew up that the story meant one shouldn't lose serenity because of hatred.
私が育ったときに私は学んだ 私は悪霊が剣で育つと信じています
The serenity of her countenance convinced me that her heart was not likely to be easily touched.
平静な表情から 簡単に心を許す人ではないと
How blind that cannot see serenity! A true friend of man almost the only friend of human progress.
A second skill is equipoise, the ability to have the serenity to read the biases and failures in your own mind.
心の中のバイアスや 欠点を認識し 平静を保つ能力です 私たちは自信過剰です
Whereas to pursue all three with equal dedication, is to make possible a life filled not only with achievement, but with serenity.
達成感だけではなく 心の平静と共に 人生を全うできるのです 物語るにあたり 私が研究した
The Chinese word for bat sounds like the Chinese word for happiness, and they believe that bats bring wealth, health, longevity, virtue and serenity.
幸福 のように聞こえ 中国人の間では コウモリは富 健康 長寿 美徳 平穏を もたらすと信じられています この像には 5匹のコウモリに囲まれた
So now, at the opposite, we know a lot of people who, in very difficult circumstances, manage to keep serenity, inner strength, inner freedom, confidence.
非常に厳しい状況下でも落ち着き 芯の強さ 自由 信頼を失わない人が沢山います では 内面の条件が強ければどうか
And perhaps its tremendous intellectual perfection and serenity meant that something new had to happen a radical new move, which in 1600 is what did happen.
これは新しい変化が必要になります そして 1600年代に全く新しい 変化が起こりました (音楽) 歌手 ああ 恐ろしいこと
The One Who has, by His munificence, established us in a place of serenity in which no hardship shall ever reach us nor any fatigue affect us.
かれの御恵みによって わたしたちは永遠の邸宅に住み そこで苦労をすることもなく また疲れを覚えることもありません
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change... the courage to change the things I can... and the wisdom to know the difference.
神よ 変えられる事を 変える勇気と 変えられぬ事を知る分別と 引き下がる謙虚さを
Then God sent down His serenity upon His Messenger, and upon the believers and He sent down troops you did not see and He punished those who disbelieved. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.
その後アッラーは 使徒と信者たちの上にかれの安らぎを下し またあなたがたには見えなかったが 軍勢を遣わして不信心な者たちを懲罰された このようにかれは 不信者に報いられる
God was pleased with the believers, when they pledged allegiance to you under the tree. He knew what was in their hearts, and sent down serenity upon them, and rewarded them with an imminent conquest.
かれらがあの樹の下であなたに忠誠を誓った時 アッラーは信者たちに ことの外御満悦であった かれはかれらの胸に抱くことを知り かれらに安らぎを下し 手近な勝利をもって報われた
Those who disbelieved filled their hearts with rage the rage of the days of ignorance. But God sent His serenity down upon His Messenger, and upon the believers, and imposed on them the words of righteousness of which they were most worthy and deserving. God is aware of everything.
あの時不信心な者たちは 胸の中に慢心の念を燃やした ジャーヒリーヤ 時代のような 無知による慢心である それでアッラーは 使徒と信者の上に安らぎを下し かれらに自制の御言葉を押し付けられた これはかれらがその 安らぎ に値し またそれを受けるためであった アッラーは凡てのことを知っておられる


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