"contractual amendment"の翻訳 日本語へ:
辞書 英語-日本
例 (レビューされていない外部ソース)
The Third Amendment is called the Quartering amendment. | これは 独立戦争当時 英国軍に対抗するため |
And to do this does not require a constitutional amendment, changing the First Amendment. | このために 憲法を改正する必要もありません 必要となるのは |
You're not under any contractual obligation to me anymore. | もう君は義理はない |
Specifically, this little amendment right here | 如何なる州もアメリカ合衆国の市民の特権あるいはー |
They were operating with social constraints rather than contractual ones. | 社会的な制約に基づいて行動するのです そして重要なのは 社会的制約は |
I know he supports the Vampire Rights Amendment. | ヴァンパイア支持派だから |
The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms. | 修正第2条の元々の意図は 英国兵の侵攻から 入植者を守ることでした |
I thought you were for the Vampire Rights Amendment. | ヴァンパイアに偏見 |
Enter in a contractual agreement with me and become a young magical girl! | 僕と契約して 魔法少女になってよ |
The Fourth Amendment is the right to search and seizure. | 警察は 捜査令状なしに家宅捜査や 私物の押収をすることはできません |
This lays the groundwork for the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constituition. | エイブラハム リンカーンは 南北戦争終戦の2ヵ月前に不幸にも亡くなりました |
We passed that amendment which prohibits general warrants or limitless surveillance. | この条項を作ったのです 不透明な政府の代償が高く付くことは |
Pepperspray the man who's expressing his opinion under the First Amendment! | 憲法で言論の自由は 保障されているはずだぞ |
You just read the 13th and 14th Amendment, it'll tell you so. | そこに書いてあります 私は法律を知っています 学校で教わりました |
And critically, the social constraints created a culture that was more generous than the contractual constraints did. | 契約的制約よりも 親切な文化を作るということです ニージーとルスティチーニはこの実験で |
The First Amendment is the freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly and petition. | これは修正条項の中でも 最も神聖とされているものでしょう |
The Eight Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment. Is the death penalty cruel? | 死刑は残虐でしょうか 異常でしょうか |
But what senator would have the courage... to propose such a radical amendment? | そんな極端な改正案を 動議できる議員がいるかね |
Like most Americans, I believe the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to bear arms. | 銃の所持また猟師やスポーツマンの権利に関わる この国の強い伝統を 私は尊重します |
Because of this amendment, our government can never force us to house soldiers in our home. | 修正第4条は 捜索と押収に 関するの権利です |
We did not pass the fourth amendment in order to protect those for something to hide. | 隠し事をする人のために作ったのではありません 無制限の監視や捜査令状を禁じるために |
The president is prepared to reverse policy and support your amendment to the war crimes act. | 大統領は君の戦争犯罪条項修正案に 賛成する用意がある |
This is a domicile, a residence protected by the Fourth Amendment from unlawful search and seizure. | こいつは住まいだ 住居になる 憲法第4修正条項で 不法捜索から守られてる |
Thank you, Reverend Whitley. Miss Flanagan, would you like to turn back to the Vampire Rights Amendment? | 次にフラナガンさん ヴァンパイア市民権法は... |
For safety, such dissenters are kept far away from the president in tightly regulated first amendment zones. | 彼の政策に反対との表明を しています 彼らは大統領から離れた部屋に 待機させられています |
Which brings us back to early the rule before the amendment, which is men and women can't be friends. | 話を現実に戻そう そこでさっきのルールに戻る 修正案以前の 男と女は友達にはなれないって やつさ |
You just can't get over the fact that I ended up with the looks and the talent and the non contractual recurring role on Joey amp Melissa. | 俺が顔にも才能にもめぐまれて ジョーイ メリッサのレギュラースターになったなんて すいません 僕すごいファンなの |
On the heels of Brown v. Board of Education, the 14th Amendment and her powerful testimony that day, the rest is history. | そしてコルヴィンの猛抗議と続き その後の話はご存じの通りです さて私たちはなぜこの話を知らないのでしょう |
They're talking about the Fifth Amendment, which says that you don't have to take the witness stand against yourself if you may end up incriminating yourself. | 証言を拒否できることを 言っています どうです もう半分終わりました |
Excuse me, but I must speak plainly. If you do not take the trouble to check her, she will soon be beyond the reach of amendment. | いま注意しておかないと |
I also believe most gun owners agree that we can respect the Second Amendment while keeping an irresponsible, law breaking few from inflicting harm on a massive scale. | 大規模犯罪を防ぐことできると ほとんどの銃所持者も同意 していると考えています 危険人物に銃器が行き渡らないように |
The First Amendment protects our rights to say and write our opinions, worship how we please, assemble together peacefully and petition our government, if we feel the need. | 好きな信仰を持ち 平和的に集会を開き 必要なら政府に請願を行う 権利を保証しています 修正第2条は 武装権です |
But eventually, in March of 1790, the National Assembly passed an amendment that had the wording all proprietors ought to be and there's some other stuff in between | 国民議会が承認した改正案には 一定の所得資格を満たす全ての人間は そして中間に ほにゃらら といろいろ条件が入り |
And then finally, the FDA Amendment Act was passed a couple of years ago saying that everybody who conducts a trial must post the results of that trial within one year. | 数年前のことです 治験を行うものは誰でも その治験の結果を1年以内に投稿せよと規定しています BMJ の2012年1月号には |
The original intent of the Second Amendment was to protect colonists from the invading British soldiers, but it now guarantees that you have the right to own a gun to defend yourself and your property. | それが今では 市民が武器を保持して 自分の身と財産を守る権利となっています 修正第3条は 軍隊の舎営条項です |
And, in a way, that's exactly how packets move around the Internet, sometimes in as many as 25 or 30 hops, with the intervening entities that are passing the data around having no particular contractual or legal obligation to the original sender or to the receiver. | ときには25 回から30 回も中継されます 間でデータを受け渡す組織には 契約上あるいは法律上の |
And if ye fear a breach between them twain (the man and wife), appoint an arbiter from his folk and an arbiter from her folk. If they desire amendment Allah will make them of one mind. Lo! Allah is ever Knower, Aware. | もしあなたがたが 両人の破局を恐れるならば 男の一族から一人の調停者を また女の一族からも一人の調停者をあげなさい 両人がもし和解を望むならば アッラーは両人の間を融和されよう 本当にアッラーは 全知にして何ごとにも通暁しておられる |
You know, and that's a good thing, that's what all these First Amendment Rights of free expression, of freedom of association are all about, and so the notion that we should try and shut those down I think, just goes against very basic American principles. | これらはすべて憲法修正第1条の表現の自由 結社の自由に関わることです だからネットを遮断しようというこの考え方は 基本的なアメリカの原則に反していると思う この原則は 我々の建国の父が理解していたものの1つだと思う |
The number of people who are going to be able to participate in these kinds of projects is going to grow, and we can see that organizations designed around a culture of generosity can achieve incredible effects without an enormous amount of contractual overhead a very different model than our default model for large scale group action in the 20th century. | 参加できる人の数は 増えていくでしょう そして親切の文化を核にして |
And, by the way, so did Ronald Reagan, one of the staunchest defenders of the Second Amendment, who wrote to Congress in 1994, urging them this is Ronald Reagan speaking urging them to listen to the American public and to the law enforcement community and support a ban on the further manufacture of military style assault weapons. | 1994年に議会向けにこのような文書を提出しています 国民と法施行団体の声を聞き これ以上軍隊式攻撃用武器が 生産されるのを禁止するように促す文書です |
We need to force people to publish all trials conducted in humans, including the older trials, because the FDA Amendment Act only asks that you publish the trials conducted after 2008, and I don't know what world it is in which we're only practicing medicine on the basis of trials that completed in the past two years. | 古いものも含めて公表させる必要があります FDA 改正法は 2008年以降の治験に対してのみ 公開を求めています 医療を実践するのに |
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