Translation of "exercised" to Japanese language:

  Dictionary English-Japanese

Exercised - translation :

  Examples (External sources, not reviewed)

Tom exercised.
I exercised yesterday
The girl exercised on the parallel bars.
He exercised his powers to the full.
So third meeting, arguments are pretty well exercised.
This novel exercised a great influence on young people.
The captain exercised the new recruits with long marches.
How many people have exercised in the last week
やろうと思ったほど 運動しなかったという人は
No, it's good, I just haven't exercised in, like, three months.
I exercised like I used to, and now I'm all worn out.
(It is they) who have exercised patience and trust in their Lord.
かれら移住者は 耐え忍び かれらの主に縋りきる者である
who have exercised patience and who have had trust in their Lord.
これはよく耐え忍び 自分の主を信頼している者 への報奨である
Certainly, he has led astray many of your generations. Have you not exercised your reason?
確かにかれ 悪魔 はあなたがたの大部分を迷わせた どうしてあなたがたは悟らなかったのか
It goes to 1953 when American ClA exercised a coup and removed a democratically elected leader,
勝利を収めたモサデック首相を 米国CIAがクーデターを起こして 失脚させた1953年の話です
Every individual is politically sovereign and the state is defined by what it assigns exercised through democratic elections.
国家に課題を委託します 同様に仕事も 労働市場がそれを制するのでもなく
Had they exercised patience until you had come out, it would have been better for them. God is All forgiving and All merciful.
もしかれらが あなたの出て来るのを待つならば それはかれらのためにも良い 本当にアッラーは寛容にして慈悲深くあられる
So today, we get exercised and rightly so if a handful of murderers get executed by lethal injection in Texas after a 15 year appeal process.
10分程度の裁判にかけられ 火あぶりの刑に処せられたかもしれません むしろ 幾度となく繰り返されたことだったでしょう
So while this is a good test case and it checks many things, it does not give us confidence that we've exercised every feature of our interpreter.
インタプリタのすべての機能を 検証するわけではありません 他のテストケースを追加する必要があるでしょう
It's about what level of control we're going to permit to be exercised over our social realities, social realities that are now inevitably permeated by pop culture.
我々の社会的現実 今の社会的現実の上行使 必然的に大衆文化が浸透 私はそれが私達が保つことが重要だと思うこれらの2つの種類
They had an exclusive license on the most popular content, and they exercised it in a way that tried to demonstrate to the broadcasters who really was in charge.
その権利を行使して放送局たちに 力を見せつけようとしました 1931年から1939年の間に彼らは使用料を448 も上げたのです
When they are told, Follow what Allah has sent down, they say, No, We will follow what we have found our fathers following. What, even if their fathers neither exercised their reason nor were guided?!
かれらに アッラーが啓示されたところに従え と言えば かれらは いや わたしたちは祖先の道に従う と言う 何と かれらの祖先は全く蒙味で 正しく 導かれなかったではないか
The Messengers who lived before you were also accused of lying, but they exercised patience. They were cruelly persecuted before We gave them victory. No one can change the words of God. You have already received news about the Messengers.
あなた以前にも 使徒たちは虚言の徒と呼ばれた それでわれの救助を得るまで かれらは拒否と迫害を耐え忍んだ 誰にもアッラーの御言葉を変えることは出来ない 使徒たちに関する一部の消息は 既にあなたに伝えられたのである
Those who left their homes for the cause of God after they had been persecuted, strove hard for His cause and exercised patience should know (even though they had verbally renounced their faith) that your Lord is All forgiving and All merciful.
しかし 試練を受けた後に移住した者 それから奮闘努力し またよく耐え忍んだ者に対し あなたの主は その後は本当に寛容にして慈悲深くあられる
Say to My believing servants, Have fear of your Lord. Those who act righteously in this life will receive good reward. The land of God is vast. God will recompense the deeds of those who have exercised patience, without keeping an account .
言ってやるがいい 信仰するわれのしもべたちよ 主を畏れなさい 現世において善行をなす者には 善い 報酬 がある アッラーの大地は広いのである よく耐え忍ぶ者は本当に限りない報酬を受ける
We gave the suppressed people the blessed eastern and western regions as their inheritance. Thus, the promises of your Lord to the children of Israel all came true because of the patience which they exercised. He destroyed all the establishments of the Pharaoh and his people.
われは無力と思われていた民に われが祝福した東と西の各地を継がせた よく 耐え忍んだために イスラエルの子孫の上に あなたの主の善い言葉が全うされた そしてわれはフィルアウンとその民がうち建てたもの また築造していたものを破壊した
Every year most of us pay our taxes to the government and every few years we elect the representatives who will run that government and therefore we're handing over power and money and we have a right to know how that money is spent and how that power is exercised.
そして何年かごとに 誰が政府を仕切るのか議員を選出します つまり権力とお金を政府に手渡しているのですから 税金がどう使われたか
Parliament retains the right to interrogate cabinet members, including the Prime Minister, on financial and administrative questions and has frequently passed motions of no confidence in government. More recently, with the death last December of the Emir, Sheikh Jabir al Ahmad, parliamentary approval was exercised a key role in resolving succession debates among factions of the royal family.
議会は 首相を含む内閣メンバーに対し 財政や行政に関して尋問する権利を維持し 政府に対する信頼を持たないという動きを 頻繁に繰り出してきた より最近では 12月のシェイク ジャービル アル アハマド首長死去を受け 議会の賛成は 王家派閥間の後継者論争の解決において 主要な役割を果たした


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